I am tired of seeing the "self-anointed accolades". We are giving people joining the fire service a lofty target to hit.

We are giving people in our communities a reason to resent us when WE refer to the honorable and courageous things that we do. In other words, they don't like US patting ourselves on the back.

People joining want to rise to hero status; some faster than others.

I read the Sunday paper and it sickened me when I came across this AP story from the New York Daily News: http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Caleb+Lacey

Caleb Lacey, 19, a Long Island volunteer firefighter doused an apartment staircase with gasoline and set the building ablaze-killing four-in a "twisted attempt to become a hero", prosecutors charged Saturday.

This has given the term "hero" and "volunteer firefighter" connotations that any right thinking person would not want to be associated with.

Stop selling the idea that we are "heroes" and what we do is "heroic".

We do what we do to HELP others. Period.

Anyone who believes that they will make a heroic effort someday; GET OUT NOW.

There are other "Caleb Laceys" in our fire service just waiting for their chance.

You should know them. You voted them onto your fire departments.

And it has given the news media just another reason to splash FIREFIGHTER CHARGED WITH...as their headline and given the evening news their lead in for the top story of the day.

God; please make it stop.


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Arts my Hero. LOL! Just kidding Chief. keep giving us your words of wisdom Chief. Ride On Bro!
When a man becomes a fireman his greatest act of bravery has been accomplished. What he does after that is all in the line of work. ~Edward F. Croker
Want to be a hero? Coach your kid's baseball or softball team, when you hear, "Daddy that turtle is gonna get run over, will you save him?" Now that is rewarding to be your kid's HERO! But I agree with the premise that Edward Croker stated.
What happened to being humble in the service? True article, I am sure it will be tough to read for those people for whom this article is referring to.
People that initate actions like that belong behind bars, not behind a firehose. I joined this profession to give back. Period. I never want anyone to ever call me a hero. This is who I am.
As 1 of my 2 brother that returned from multiple tours in Iraq said-
" The 'heroic act' was signing up for the (military, Fire Dept, Police Dept, whatever)
the rest was DOING YOUR JOB".
As John Wayne said " a hero is some who is scared to death, but saddles up anyway". I believe that many in the public see us in this manner, it scares them to hell, and there's no way they would consider it.
After 27 years on the job I still have a hard time with this label. I joke some times about a tuff day at the office, but never really take myself to seriously.
There are many among us who are saying don't call me a hero, but who will not hesitate the throw around the label with a council , or commission member.
Most of us know when, and who to call a hero. The LT who walked you throw your first few months, and did not give up on you. The old engineer who spent weeks working with you at night to insure you know that pump and engine inside and out. Each of us when we take the time to pass all we have learned, some times the hard way, on to the next generation. We know it when we here the calmness of the captains voice at a fully involved building, the steady hand of a medic working a child in full arrest, we know when WE see it.
That would be the "other" extreme!
Your point is well taken.
This is a job whether your a paid or volunteer. So no matter the reason why a person comes into this profession it's still a job. The word hero to me implies that it's someone who goes above and beyond the rest. Which in this profession all we do is our everyday jobs that we are trained to do, like everyone else. The other issue is that the word hero could also alter someones ego, which might not be so good for the group as a whole in this profession. We need teamwork in this profession. A hero persona could alter that. It's what we do together that really matters.
we all can agree that we do this job because we enjoy enjoy helping others as for the papers they are over rated they well print what ever sells weather its true or not TCSS
Within the fire service, 'Hero' is a dirty four letter word. All we're doing is our job.
I thought the Movie Backdraft was bad enough. Nicely put Art. After all it is just a job rite !!!!! some cook fries others Do paper work and we run into burning buildings when everyone ell`s in running OUT. only a job I dont exspecta pat on the back from my Full time boss why would I want it from anyone els.

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