We have a couple of guys that moved on to be Career Firefighters, why does their attitude change? They are still on the Volunteer Dept but the dedication is completely gone, this makes me mad as hell, if it werent for the Vol. Dept they would not even be where they are today, we paid for their EMS trianing and their FF1 and FF2, as soon as they start getting paid they are better than the rest of us, they even go as far as threatening to quite saying "I dont need this" or this "this place is a joke" I am not an officer so I just keep my mouth shut I would like to tell them to turn in their stuff cuase they have a bad attitude.

Does anyone else see the same thing??
How would you go about dealing with it?


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Why would you think there is such issues by the union??

If you were to be here you would find out. 

My experience is opposite of the normal route.  I started out on a large city dept. and 10 years later moved to a rural area and joined a VFD (paid on call)  When I started there, they had older equipment, ran out of a station with trucks crammed so tight you had to pull out a truck to get your gear.  But they had good dedicated people, and trained as much as they could with what they had.  Ten years later we are in a new station, have just bought our 5th new truck (doing pre-build next week) and are running automatic with several fulltime suburban dept's around us.  I actually get more training at my VFD than my career dept.  I'd put them up against many smaller fulltime depts.  It's inspired me to be more dedicated at my fulltime job. 

It doesn't matter what side of the paid/volunteer fire service you're on, dedication is the key.  If you don't care, then you should find something else to do.  Yes, there's still differences of opinion on both of my depts., that's the way people are.  But you can still strive to better yourself and your dept., and that should make being on any dept. worthwhile.

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