While at the hardware store the other day, I noticed the condition of this means of egress door.

It is blocked with a display case. As you can see from the photo, the panic hardware is not accessible and can barely be seen.

A closer look shows that even if the exit was accessible and did not have the display case in front of it, it is locked.]

There is a slide bolt that is padlocked on the exit door. So, even if it wasn't blocked, you would never get out.

A firefighter that might be lost and was following a wall looking for doors and windows could come across this door and still not be able to escape.

These are the things that we need to bring to the attention of the business owners. Typically, once they understand why the door needs to be accessible and not bolted, they remedy the issue.

Be diligent and do inspections. These issues could mean the difference in people getting out of a fire or emergency. It could also mean the difference in how a Mayday is resolved.

Stay safe and be careful out there.


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Good observations, Jason. The possibility of a fire often seems remote to people who have never experienced one.
And you might want to drop by the local Fire Marshall's office, smack the donut out of his hand and tell him to get out and start doing his job!


Even sadder, with the exception of the blocking case and locked bolt (big exceptions), it seems to have meet code with the sign, light, alarm and push bar. That just must have been a preliminary move on the store owner's part to gain a business license and nothing more. Like Russell said, the owner/manager must never have been in a fire so he/her doesn't think about fire safety.

If needed in a fire, all that sign and light would do now is pull someone into a trap.
Here's a question relating to this. We have a county fire inspector who is supposed to go around and do this kind of business inspection. If I, being a firefighter, go in and see this, and mention such fire violation to owner, does he/she have to fix the issue? Can he basically tell me to blow it out my ear? I know from there it's just a matter of a phone call and it will be fixed, but I was just wondering if I would have the authority to recommend it get fixed.
I have one for you....We went to the local harware store and found pool tabs on display ...no big deal right...? well on the shelf above them was a very nice display of automotive products...one of which was brake fluid....anyone knows what happens if they mix....? If you took arson training you do.....PLEASE don't try it at home...it is a VERY violent reaction
When you wrote "pool tabs" my first thought was the little old ladies at BINGO and buying the lotto "pull tabs." Just a funny thought.
sorry should have been a little clearer there....LOL...Hey do you now how to get a sweet little blue haired lady to say the "F" word...? Yell BINGO......
He can probably tell you to pound sand. It really all depends what capacity you are there in and how the fire ordinance reads. If the ordinance is on the county books, then more than likely the county has to enforce it, not local jurisdictions. I would recommend letting the building/fire code official know and document that you notified them. That is the best you can do. You certainly mention it to the building owner, but you better make sure your right. Again, I would make the call to the Building Official. Safest bet.
Ralph, Ralph, Ralph....You must be sniffing too much of that Bone Box crap...it is "Blue Canaries" not yellow ones....The manager actually got pissed at me...so I "Advised" him to try it if he didn't believe me.....never saw him again.....Hmmmm...wonder if he did try it...? Guess not...we would have been called to clean up the mess....Paul...By the way...if you can't decide then do both.....I do (Fire and EMS) I wonder what I used to do with all my time.....? Paul
The $1000 fine usually gets it resolved - most Riki Tik

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