I'm the training officer for a small paid on call department and I'm a 14 year  veteran of the Chicago Fire deparment, I'm always looking for training ideas. The small department is Merrionette Park just south of Chicago. We have a lot of young members, so simple yet different drills are the best. Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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While training is a very serious matter, keep it fun AND educational. Remember, these are young people (Eh, I guess I could be considered a "young one", too).

I'd suggest creating a variety of different trainings - live fire, heavy rescue, EMS, and more.

The best trainings, to me, are the ones that draw in everyone from the department. While not many people show up to the mundane probationary trainings to help out, there's generally a large turn out for heavy rescue training (come on, who doesn't like taking the Jaws to a car door?).
Check the trade magazines. Firehouse, Fire Engingeering, Fire and Rescue........
Theres always a training article in them.
One of my favorites is an SCBA confidence course. In fact we are do it annually and are having this drill next week as a precurser for out live fire tower training. It is a great way to see where the rookies are that are just about to leave FF1 and a reminder for the guys that have not donned a pack in quit some time.

The drill consists of stretching several lengths of 1 3/4" line through our community playground: down slides, over tires, through short tunnels where ever we can. The members have there masked blocked out with wax paper and then need to follow the line whenever it goes. First we conduct the drill allowing the members clear vision second round they are required to have their masked blocked out.

This is one of our most highly attending practices of the year.

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