I was flicking through a magazine and came across a small article that outlined the Top 10 List  of Possible CEO Regrets and was aimed at CEO's still sitting in the saddle of their company.


It got me thinking of the Emergency Services and I thought these were just as applicable to us, as they are in the Corporate world.


  • I regret that I allowed so much bureaucracy to creep into my company
  • I regret that I did not demand transformation but let inertia reign
  • I regret that at times I did things to impress the board rather than remain true to my euthentic self
  • I regret that we pursued so many acquisitions but neglected organic growth, which is harder work
  • I regret that I often chased after managment fads rather than judiciously choosing a select few
  • I regret that I allowed the board to pay me too much relative to the rest of my team
  • I regret that I allowed myself to be treated as a superstar rather than first among equals
  • I regret that I talked too much and listened too little
  • I regret that I didn't better prepare my successor to replace me
  • What I really regret is that my high need for achievement led me to neglect time with my family, so that they paid a greater price for my ambition than I did.



Food for thought....



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I have to say that the last point really hit home. Being overly aggressive and ambitious in your workplace and career has its benefits and rewards in relation to achievement, but at what cost? The time not spent with friends/family/loved ones/etc. I guess it's the price you pay for greatness but you really have to weigh things out and determine what comes first. Great points Lutan, definitely some breakfast thought food for me this morning.
Demand transformation... essential and interesting point...
Doesn't have to be a CEO, does it Luke? Though I trust you are thinking about it, you CEO you? ;o)

And yes, definite liks to the emergency services there...

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