Remember watching, Leave it to Beaver, The Brady Bunch, Gilligan's Island, Bugs Bunny, The Superheros, Eight is Enough, The Dukes of Hazard? Today kids are watching Sponge Bob, ICarly, Jimmy Neutron, CSI (Miami, Denver, Chicago, LA, MInnesota, Kansas City, and who knows what other names they call it), Heroes. Do you think that they act out according to the shows? If they were to watch only the shows from the older generation, would they act the same or be different. These old shows, I think, taught me to be kind and treat others with respect. I'm sure shows like ICarly does this also, however I feel it's not enough. Sure parents have the most influence, but our younger parents today didn't see those old shows. Just wondering if they did a study on kids for one year to see if this hypothesis would prove true or not. One group of kids could only watch the old shows and the other group could only watch todays. Would each group act different? What are your thoughts?

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Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so many avenues to go down here. Is T.V. to blame...partially. I feel that it is more the fact that parents let the children watch whatever they want while they (parents) do whatever they feel like doing. Long gone are the days of parents sitting and actually interacting with their kids. (I know....alot of us still do...but society as a whole). Video games et all....WOW...I can't believe some of the things that kids watch/play. When I was growing up, we had arcade shooting games where we just shot an inanimate object/target Kill Kill!

There are so many places to go on this. As far as things like Columbine, we find that there is usually an underlying problem and a very "strained" relationship with parents at best. In that case one of the young men was given a shotgun as a birthday present simply because he asked for it. His father was not experienced with any kind of weapons and neither was he. The father gave it to him anyway, then was let to go out and "target" shoot whenever he wanted. The shotgun was kept loaded in his room at all times. The father never entered the boys room because he wanted to give him space!!!! Had he done so, he would have found a cache of pipebombs.....

Calling OPRAH anyone?????
I play violent video games but I have not gone and shot up a school. It is ignorant to say its the violent video games, its a cop out. The number of people to play violent video games is very large, and to say a few people went on shooting sprees because of violent video games is out ragous. Saying that a video game improves killing skills? Then why isn't our army just using a computer game to get better? I don't know what skills you could improve with a video game on how to kill, but when you find out let me know.
The shows on tv for kids today are crap, I sometimes think the writers are on drugs, or just ran out of go materal to write about, The old shows in my mind will always be the best, thats why they still show them on some channels.
You been in the service ONE year as a junior and you call me ignorant?
You should go far.
Keep playing those video games.
It should really help you improve your inter-personal skills.
I won't debate this with you.
You wouldn't understand.
...and the "new" shows seem to just be re-hashing the shows of 3 or 4 yeras ago...very little creativity and certainly very little to aspire to.
Don't worry Chief ...the juniors know it all...TV told them so! It probably taught him spelling and grammer as well! Geeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh how ignorant can you be chief? LOL LOL LOL
Hey Brian, the military does use video games to sharpen their skills, maybe you ought to join.
Now thats FUNNY!
I'll have to go along with Damnthing on this one. I think the lack of discipline that exists nowadays is the prime culprit. People don't discipline their children as we were. We stepped out of line, didn't do as we were told, whatever you'd like, we paid the price. Nowadays, all you hear is repeated asking and pleading by the parents, instead of stepping up and making sure it happens.
I WILL blame TV and video games for the large amount of laziness. Kids are so busy playing video games and watching television they won't get off their tails to do the work or go outside and play, which broadens their social skills. THey have no social skills, no discipline, and as a result, they take the easy way in almost everything they do. Instead of fighting for what they want, what they believe, like we were taught and made to do, they're taught nothing by weak-handed parents, and end up taking guns to school and shooting people. We were taught to stand up to bullies by tough parents who knew that it was a necessary social skill in the world. Now, people expect to be taken care of, and have everything done for them, and don't teach their kids anything of the sort at all. When I was a kid, I bucked hay in the summer for 25 cents a bale, and was excited to do it. I challenge anyone to find a kid who'll do the same for $1 a bale. They want all the money they can get, and want to do nothing in return for it. We've taught the next generation to be weak-minded, gutless, lazy sissies, unable to fend for themselves. We need to change it, and soon. Look at the new recruits we have coming in. They want all the prestige that goes with being an "old dog", think they know it all, won't listen to anyone, and have almost no bedside manner to speak of. Is this what we want our future to look like? The country in the hands of people like this? Bad enough the people running it now are the way they are. What happens when the next batch takes over, and it gets horribly worse? Are these the types of people you want coming to your family when they call 911? The ones you want making decisions for your well being when the time comes? I think not! We've allowed it so far, and its gotten us where we are. Its time we stop allowing it, and start fixing it. LOL, and now I'll step down off MY soap box!
Bottle Rockets were for shooting at your friends
not friends shooting at you for throwing rocks and bottles at them.

We didn't have DVD in the car or video games
We had the back of a station wagon which also doubled as the wrestling ring for the 4 hour car rides, with out air conditioning.

You could go and by a stack of lottery tickets for your grandmother and a pack of Marlboro Reds for you dad at the corner store at age 8 because the cleark knew they were for your grandmother and your father.

Life sure was swell!


Bring back the Beaver.
Wow, I thought no one would mention the old pong game. That was so cool back then.
I like it. Thanks for the reply

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