Ok, so I guess its pretty plain how I feel about the time change. Every year, twice a year,  we go through this baloney of changing our clocks for some archaic Paradigm that no longer is important. Give me your best shot?

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Who cares. I will get up when I choose an go to bed when i choose. No matter what the friggen time on the clock is.
Sounds Good to me! Can't wait until I'm in a position to that!

Take Care, Stay Safe

If only lawmakers would pass a bill commanding the sun to stay up an hour earlier...sigh...
I believe it's the state of Arizona that finally said enough... they don't move clocks back or forward... of course they are allowed to carry side arms as well, dress their prisoners in pink and house them in tents in the desert. When the prisoners originally complained, the Sheriff simply said, "if it's good enough for our troops, then it's good enough for you, prison is not suppose to be fun". Maybe we should make the Arizona Sheriff the time cop...

10-4!!! Gotta love that Sheriff!

Arizona doesn't do daylights Savings because they want it light early in the morning, so people can take advantage of the daylight before it gets hot.

When I lived near Tucson, it'd be 115 before Noon during the summer, so a lot of people were up and active at 4 or 5 a.m. to take advantage of the 85 degree "morning cool."

I like daylight savings. I leave work at 5pm everyday, so last week it was almost dark by the time I get home. Now I have at least an hour of daylight to do stuff that I want to outside before it gets dark, plus I'm no longer driving home in poor visibilty during dusk. I don't really care if it's light or dark when I get up, but the more light I have in relation to the clock in the evening, the better. It's all about routines.
I agree Chief Sharp. I can't figure out the big deal. It is dark when I get up instead of when I get home, so what's the big savings. I work as a teacher's aide, and it really messes with the elementary aged children, it takes them a coulple of weeks to adjust. Leave it to the government to try to fix time!

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