Hello all, just wanted to hear some feed back and your thoughts about the shooting that took plAce at the batman movie? What are your thoughts And if you where called out to that scene what was it like?

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Is it really necessary that you want to hear about all the gory details here? Don't you get the "big picture" from the media? Even though you have only been in the business for about a year (according to your profile) I am sure if you thought about it, you can well imagine what the brothers and sisters faced upon responding to such a disaster. I am sure too, that in the coming months/years.. there will be lot's of stories..some true..some not so much.. about who did what..and who saw what etc. 

Sorry.. I just don't think this is a forum for discussing this shit..not right now at least.. even though I suspect your intentions would be something to the effect of.." Just so I am ready if it ever happens in my area" or something to that effect.

NOW.. as I close..and expect a backlash from some.. I will just say.. To ALL the responders who were on that scene..my thoughts and prayers go out to each and every one of you, and your families. Some will have a harder time than others dealing with this, and I hope your healing is swift and effective!

Apparently you have never been involved with a mass casualty !!! Im thinking probably not even anything bad !!! Its something you never want to see or go thru !!!! And even more important.....once you have....you dont want someone asking you what is was like !!!! And if you ever do go thru it.......you will understand what Im talking about !!!! Brian, well said......

gotta agree with you on this. i have been on plenty MCI's and they are just that. where i'm at in cases of a shooting we wont be going in until LE declairs the scene safe and then its gonna be a scoop and run in most cases because everyone will be working.

walking, wounded, wailing-can wait

not talking, unconscious, severe bleeding- not breathing-gotta work on now

dead-get left

RUFKM................Have some respect..

Hey man, I gotta say....that's a pretty disrespectful post. Did you think of everyone involved before you posted this, or were you only concerned with your own curiosity. I won't delve any further. What needs to be said has already been done.

Just think a little longer about the whole picture before posting questions of this nature. Just like your 360 at a scene....applies here too.

To everyone who comment! First off I would like to say sorry for the post! I was not aiming to be disrespecuful by any means! I have family that was their! Thats why I asked I also have family in law enforcement that where their also And for the recoard I have not been in a MCIs.. To the families my prayers and to the fd and pd hope for better day!

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