As we all know our job can take toll on us, so I thought it would be fun to see what the funniest thing we've done on a call. I'll start it was early April in southwest WI got paged for grass fire. By the time I got to the station all the trucks were gone except for our 3000 gallon tanker. I rolled up on sence I got my assignment to follow this field road, as I was getting closer to our engine I got told to stop where I was. So sitting there in the truck waiting listening to the radio traffic. Then the next thing I hear is brush truck stuck, and then tanker 2 stuck. Next I was assigned to go back out to the road, the only way out was a water way in this field. As I proceded to the road I locked my rear set duals in, got half way up this water way and hit a soft spot and sunked my truck all the way to the axle. Radio the Chief told him what happened and dumped all 3000 gallons. There are picture of the days events, with all total up three of our and a DNR truck got stuck. I'll see if I can get ahold of those piture.

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LOL that sucks.
We had a house fire one winter. The snow drifts around the house had to be at least three feet deep. I was told to get a ladder to the roof. On my way to the house I fell in one of these drifts and couldn't get back up. The ladder went flying and I looked like a turtle on it's back. Not one of my proudest moments.
It was not really a on the scene thing but, I forgot my helmet going to a mva property damage with no injuries. Thank go I did not really need the helmet. I just directed traffic. I was like "where the hell is my helmet!" lol.
I'm no different from anyone else and have made my share of mistakes while on emergency scenes. Fortunatly, its never been anything serious.

The first MVA with confirmed injuries I ever ran to was one of them... we pull up on scene, I go to jump out of the rig, made it about two steps and was then pulled back to the truck by the radio headset I was still wearing lol.

There have been a couple of times real early in the morning after being woke up from a great sleep where we run some simple EMS call and I somehow forget which way the pt. is supposed to be loaded into the rig. lol
I was on a vehicle fire which led to a brush fire. I pulled up on scene and got geared up. As i was making my way to the brush fire I did not see this nice size sinkhole. I had a shovel in one hand and was fastening my helmet with the other. I was walking fast and stepped right into the sinkhole. My helmet went flying the shovel went flying and i hit the ground. Luckily nobody saw this happen lol.
well we got an ems call one day and i had bought me some of those new boots i call horse riding boots that have the lil flap tounge on them and when you lace them up you have to circle them around these lil stud hooks not thorugh holes like normal boots or shoes so anyways we got this ems call and i threw my boots on didnt lace them i got to the station and another firefighter had already had or ems/rescue truck and and ready so i was running around the front of the truck and as i got to the passenger side door those lil stud hooks i told yeah about got hung on each other on my other boot so my feet got locked togehter and i just fell flat down it was i couldnt stop from falling lol i feel skint up my hands pretty good and my knees lol i got up jumped in the truck we got on scene before ems got there and there i was with the A bag open at the truck opening gauze and wrapping it around my hand and putting my gloves on over it so i dint get blood everywhere lol
Well my funniest was about 1 a.m. structure fire just a rolling, get done take my coat off forgot that i grabbed my white t shirt as i was leaving the house and underneath the white tee shirt a black very reavaling nighty needless to say the tee shirt was wet everyone is staring as i am rolling up the hose i thinking to myself what the #%$# why aint these guys doing a damn thing? finally i go over to the capt. and ask what is going on he tells me nice shirt what is that black thing hanging out of it? I did not even notice until he mentioned it they still ask me if i am fully dressed when i get to a scene.
i was thinking that but i didnt say it dont feel bad angela i went on a grass fire that turned into a structure (hay barn) that we thought we got out at 4 am when the tones went off at 5 am i just slipped on my boots and tshirt and went in my underwear when we got it put out me and one other guy decided to just spend the night and make sure it stayed out didnt happen we were there for 3 days and let me tell you i would have loved to have put my jeans on because it was about 110 out and hot and all i had on was my bunker pants which held the heat in quite nicely
lol man y but small town usa dept cant really afford the big stuff like that lol ya we got it we use it on tank batteries mostly the oil companys pay us back in donations but the farmer said let it burn but there was a tree row and a creek and if it would have got in there it would have took days to get it caught
lol i have never had to do that i did stop at a quick stop on the way threw this lil town on a transfer once we had just ate mexican and it was either i stop and take a "737" or my medic was gonna put an o2 mask on herself

Mexican food = bad bad gass smells like rotten cheese and burnt bacon bits
Back in 1998, as a member of the San Benito Co. Ca. Fire dept, I responded to a mutual aid call to our neighboring city with my lieutenant and our water tender. We responded to a structure fire.
As firefighters were going down with exhaustion, I was ordered by the IC to pack up and take a hose line. This was February of 98, and we were going through major storms and flooding. The owner of the home had fire insurance but not flood insurance, so he decided to blow his house up.
Well, as I was dragging my hose line from an engine to the home, I sank into about two feet of mud, causing my feet to stick. I tried to yank myself out of the mud. As I did, I stepped out of my turnout boot, fell flat onto my back, opening the nozzle. I was laying flat on my back in two feet of mud, shooting a stream of water straight into the air. Of course, this was witnessed by several firefighters, police officers, the IC, the battalion chief and of course, the local television news crew... It was the IC who came over to help me up... I still don't know to this day whether or not I made the news that evening... Hopefully it was on the cutting room floor.

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