When assessing and sizing up a building and occupancy there are a number of mission critical elements to consider in the process. Many times the perspective of the officer or the commander may be biased and subjective based their “positional” point-of view. In other words you may look at a building and occupancy differently from the perspective of an Engine Company officer, than that of the Truck Company Officer or the Battalion Chief from a command point of view. Thus, company or crew safety, risk operational factors, impediments, strategic or tactical issues may not always align or be identified.
Based upon the building depicted, provide some insights from YOUR point of view as the risk and size-up factors of the building; its projected occupancy , the construction type, your issues related to strategic or tactical tasks or assignments. Provide us with what “View” you’re taking, i.e., Engine Company, Truck or Ladder Company, Rescue Company, Battalion Chief, Incident Commander, EMS, search team etc.
Tell us what YOU see, what you suspect and what the building and occupancy profiling means to you in your job function should you respond to this structure on a reported of fire. There’s a lot we can discuss, so get to work…..