It’s a quiet Saturday evening, an alarm is transmitted for a reported fire in the apartments at 1075 Main Street in town. As companies are responding, additional information is transmitted confirming a working fire.

You arrive and are the senior company officer and assume command. You arrive on either the Ladder Truck or the Engine Company- both arrive in quick succession. You have staffing of four and four on each company.

Focusing on Situational Awareness and Building Risk Profiling, describe what you observe from street side, what you project and what can be expected as the incident begins to unfold.
• What is unique about the building?
• How do you think the building will perform under structural fire conditions?
• Give us your Risk Profile.
• What is obvious and what is not?
• What Command Risk Factors will influence your decision-making?
• The Building presents a number of Tactical challenges for suppression, search, rescue and ventilation. Identify what some of those might be and how to address them?

Now get to work...and be safe, the fire is extending....

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CSI Strikes....

1100 block of Graham Avenue, Windber, PA.
Would love to know what is in the store on the main floor. My eyes ond computer screen are bad LOL so cannot make out any words on the glass. Middle top window. WATCH out that window AC unit may be making a crash landing at any time. Keep ppl and hoses out of its path. Since we have no such buildings in our area and I have never been on a call like this it is a challenge to me. As far as SAR goes find out how many units are ocupied and then go from there I guess. Watch those power lines overhead. The get hot they melt they fall. Gravity works. Maybe put that ladder up to the center top window and yank that AC out as a controlled fall then hit it with some water. What about the building to the right? what is in it? More apartments or just shops? Like I said I have never encountered this in real life so would be new to me. How did I do?
The occupancy at the D-A corner is a business named "Body Language". It is a tattoo parlor.
How'dya find out where it is???

Yes, I did catch the A/C unit in the window about to fall, but forgot to mention it. We train to pull'em inside when we come across the window units, to prevent this hazard.

I'm gonna try google street view.
I can't give up all of my secrets. :-)

Chris disguised this one pretty well, but that's part of the challenge.

Hint: I found the building first, then the business name.
You guys are too good.....drats...
I think I figured out how you do this, but I won't give away your secret.
Keep 'em coming.
Another set coming Saturday...."Companies standby for an alarm transmission to follow..."

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