How come no one is talking to me?  Do any of you have a problem with me because I can't read?  My wife can help me read and I am part of you guys brotherhoo.  Do any or all of you not want me on here or something?  I am just only trying my best here. 

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Tyler James, I would like to be your friend and my wife can help me read.
I was not aware that you were being ignored. I've seen a lot of discussions with your name on them. A good discussion is about a valid subject that is of interest to many of us, so be creative.
Norm Tindell, I am cool with that and I thought that you guys were avoiding me. I only pick wich ones to do and I am only like a brotherhood like all of you. I need to go soon because it's getting late and my wife and I didn't have dinner yet.
Hi Edmund (and wife)
I don't think anyone is intentionally ignoring anyone... well ok, some might be ignoring some, but I doubt that you are that someone.
Hang in there.. Just let things be what they are.. you will be fine here..
You will meet all kinds of people within the brotherhood. Some are good people.. some are far from it. Some are nice and friendly towards others... some have a difficult time doing so. Some people's comments might come across to you as mean and unfriendly, but don't let that get you down.
Finally, don't have too high of expectations regarding the brotherhood. Take a step back, and look. Think of the brotherhood, as one big family. Families all over the world disagree with each other and even sometimes are mean.. don't be too concerned. ok.
Hope this helps you get by for the duration.
take care.. stay safe..and keep smiling. (and thank your wife for helping you everytime she does it.)
I'm also shutting down, so you guys have a good night.
Just jump in an join the posts. You will notice lots of the posts are talking at people - not with them. So take no offense to that rambling. Because it is like getting a commercial on tv - it is often one side-information sent out; as compared to a telephone call where you would expect conversation back towards you.

99% of the time, I do not even look at who wrote the post. I only start to care when someone writes my name in a response - usually attacking something they thought I said which was dumb to them. Then I look them up just to bug them back. So start picking fights and you will get lots of people communicating with you - LOL !

And yes, some of us only know one language - English - so we are limited in what we can communicate in. And most of us have days were we can not spell like we know English.

Good luck and we will "see" you around the postings.
We didn' have dinner yet so we are very hungry. Talk to you later Tyler James.
P.S. Go into the friends invite and start inviting people to be your friends - individually - then you can chat with lots of people outside of these general pages.

Such as go request Tyler to be your friend, he will probably accept ... then you can chat away !!!

These pages are more like newspapers, less like emails.
Brian Mackie, thank you and I would like to add you to my friend list.

I gotta go because we ddn't have dinner yet, so we are very hungry.

Good night for now.
Heather B, thank you.

Good night for now.

We need to have dinner we didn't eat yet.
Heather B. same here.


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