In the Ky county where i am the rescue squad is seperate from the fire departments. When they are called to a MVA no fire dept. is toned out even if there is extrication involved. Only if there is something burning will fire dept be sent. We feel that a charged line is inportant safety measure for all on scene. Some say it is state law to do have a charged line and some say it is up to the local county to make this choice. If this is a manditory requirement I was needing to know where to find it. Most departments feel this way from the discussions I have read. Any help would be appreciated.

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Generally we try to respond a Rescue & Engine Company on all MVC's. However, being a volunteer unit we don't always have the manpower to respond both. Luckily our Rescue is a Mini-Pumper with a 300 gallon tank with 1.5" preconnects & a booster line, while doing extrication we always have the booster pulled & charged. If doing an LZ our Engine Company stages but does not pull a line. We have been told by the pilot's that it makes them nervous to be on approach & staring at the buisness end of a high pressure water line. Plus, in the event the chopper has an emergency the crew &/or truck can quickly get out of the danger zone &/or redeploy at another location.
Look under KRS state laws under Fire Dpt Dot or Rescue standers it may be what your looking for

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