i know there is a Juniors Being Pulled From School to Go on Call post but what about seniors that are 18 years old? do they get to leave school for a call?

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I'd be willing to bet that your son - and plenty of other sons - could miss a class and get right back in the flow without skipping a beat. (I missed some classes, and I still know it's wreak not wreck havoc.) ;-)
Depending on what recruiter you talk to most will sy if you are about to graduate from high school they will enlist you but you will not go to basic until you have your diplomia or GED in your hands. I know that for a fact because I had to go through that when I went into the Army.
Well I don't see a major problem with it, if they are getting A,B,C's in school just like if they were in sports. There is another thing the town fire deptment did not let you join until you graduated and were 18 yrs old, so I do wish the dept. would let kid join in a junior firefighter program.
When I was in school I wasn't allowed to leave or even carry my pager. However, if I was ever late because I was on a call the principle & teachers were always understanding enough not to count me tardy. My department does not encourage our young one's to leave, but we leave that up to the discretion of the parents & school.
wow that doesn't happen up here teachers are very nice and we don't get that much work for 2 days

The risk is generally considered to be life and limb. If it's worth that - and it is - it's worth grades and GPA.
sounds like collage, If you miss a couple of days your behind, not high school.
Can they miss homework to respond to an alarm? Can they miss a class they can pass in their sleep to respond to an alarm? Can they miss lunch to respond to an alarm?

We're not talking about an every day occurrence here, right?
That same student can leave school permanently for the armed forces.

Nope, the military isn't taking people without HS and on the very rare occasion one has a GED, they must also have a number of college hours as well....basically it is easier to stay in school and graduate before getting in the military.
If they are counting on kids to be firemen it is time to close the fire department.
A high school student was an officer, are you kidding me. That is absolutely wrong.
It does not matter how huge, it is wrong. The perspective is if there are no adults that can staff the fire department, close it down.

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