Hi All. Hope this finds everyone well. Here's my question. My husband just joined my department and he wears glasses. He can"t see a thing without them. He also hates contacts! What is the best way to deal with the issue? I know you can get special masks but don't even know where to begin looking or the $ range. Thanks to all ahead of time.
Stay Safe Always,

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If the company uses Scott or MSA SCBAs, I know that they make inserts that won't break the seal of the mask. He'd just have to take the insert to the optician to have the lenses put in. But most SCBA manufacturers make inserts for those with vision needs. As far as a price goes, I'd say between $50 and $75. I couldn't find an exact price on the websites, but definitely give the SCBA company a call, they can help you out a lot. Good luck, and stay safe.
Hi Angie,

I have the same problem, can't see without my glasses, and don't like contacts. But as I've said before, that while wearing an SCBA mask, with all the smoke, steam, water, etc. I can see about as well with my glasses off as I can with them on. So when I pack up, my glasses stay at the engine.

Just my input!

I'm in the same boat as Reg, but I'm blind as a bat; with just an scba on it's all about feel and I try to never be up front. Now in a level A it's a whole different ball game, looking through 2 plastic masks is very diffacult, at least for me. Most MFG have a clip-in for about 20bucks and just have an old set of lenses put in them.
Hey! I have the same issue, four eyes on the fire ground. About to order some special glasses (relatively cheap if you ask me!) From US Cavalry, they are called the Combat Eyeglass Frames for $32.99. I don't have them in my hands yet however I know other guys who have it and they claim to obtain a mask seal with them on without any issues. Take care stay safe!

I have the same problem, I can't see a thing without my glasses. Although, when you are in a burning building you can's see much if anything at all anyway so I just go without my glasses. I know that they make inserts for the masks but I am not sure about the price.
I know there is one member in my dept who has to wear glasses inside and I think the air packs we use(Survivair) makes a pair thay fit in there. Well at least that's what I have seen when he puts his mask on.
Angie, Like everyone says I am blind , I am a firefighter, yacantseee much ina fire anyway..BUT Scott and MSA have an Insert that outlines the top of the mask and which anchors insucha way thata small military style frame is suspended using 4 neprene like bands... The frame is exactly the same as the one mentioned @ Us calvary except the SCBA version doesnt have the head strap, which not so much a concern with smoke, as much as Biohazards and Hazmat :could make its way in the seal, whilethe SCBA style is not a problem at all... after many years of dealing with how bad your vision is in smoke conditions Its still nicer with my lenses then without them.
The frames should be around 50 dollars and having lenses done as a second set at Sears optical, Lenscrafters, Pearle, Kmart optical et. Is cheep enough have him get a current exam, and ask for his current prescription, If you use a optomitrist, and want to shop, just tell him you anticipate doing some traveling and its a good idea to have it In case of emergancy... :) I would say That I have my own Facepiece assigned me
which makes Not leaving them behind easier, have him Mark the frame.....:)
I have a pair in my Scott Mask. I've had them for about 5 years. My dept. paid for them. I think they were about $75. Like others have siad you can't see much when your in the smoke and steam but they sure help getting to and from the building.

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