What do you think works best for removing plastic before you make a cut. I'm seen a lot of comments on the FUBAR, and have seen a demonstration of the Ajax stripper. I've considered working on a homemade, heavier version of a carpet knife or putty knife, but would like to hear what you think works..good or bad. Thanks. Jim

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Works good on golf courses.;0
"caddyshack" is not dead....LOL....I haven't found anything yet that cannot be "fixed" with the proper placement of a generous amount of explosives.......Paul
Are those charges shaped like squirrels though in order to get the proper affect? :-)

No cannonballing now.
Instant, and complete, vehicle extrication!
I think a simple straight blade screwdriver or small pry tool placed strategically at the place of connection to the vehicle ( i.e.-where screw meets plastic ) does best. As a former UAW worker I know that those pillars aren't on there with much and you can remove them very easily with 2 hands and alittle force. Just keep it simple for yourself, your team and your pt. Stay Safe, Stay Low. God Bless.
No, it is to loosen the nuts....you know how squirrels like nuts......LOL Paul

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