I wanted to write about my thoughts and my history with religion but I simply decided to post some things that I have been trying to do.

I keep finding myself in situations that I would ask why lord, why me? or are you punishing me? or can you help....?

I have decided a long time ago that I cannot just look for god when I need him because I am in a bad situation. I should always look for God because the fact is that I will always need God. I have started to pray to God thanking him for things big and small. For example, I will pray and thank God for allowing me to walk today. Have you ever lost the ability to walk? Do you know how horrible it is for one day you just cannot walk? Well, I have had to learn how to walk 3 times now due to injuries I have received but still thank God for allowing me to walk or to write or move and elbow or shoulder. People do not think about things like that and they take for granted what they have until they lose them so I look for things that I do everyday and I thank God for the use of them. The fact is, God is there for us and always at our door and we cannot just blame God or ask God why? whenever something goes wrong or something bad happens.

I am trying to be a better Christian and I know that we need to thank God a lot more than we currently do. Has anyone here thought they were not good Christians? I am having that feeling more and more but I know that that lord will provide and that things are going to be great.

Earlier this week I passed 2 kidney stones and I missed a once in a lifetime firefighter training experience because I could not go due to the pain but I am so happy I did not attend the training and I know God was guiding me. I passed the stones and I was in a ton of pain but I knew that after all was over that I would be a stronger person and sure enough, because of God I am a stronger person now and today I felt no pain.

Brothers and Sisters, its great to have found this group and sorry for rambling over nothing but I just had to share my thoughts. I really do not have any question to post so I would like to hear your stories and how you know that God is in your life. Please tell me how God works through you.

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I'm wondering if there is a place for me in heaven when I die. I was not raised in a traditional Christian household. My family was not anti-christian, there just was no church in our lives. No talk of God, or prayer, and yet to this day, I don't think my parents have told me they love me more than a few times. I do not blame my parents for this. I did not have a horrible childhood. I wasn't abused in anyway, there just wasn't religion, or displays of love. My wife and children however are not the same. They are very devoted Catholics, attending church nearly every Sunday. My wife teaches CCD, we pray before meals (always), and any other time we feel the need to request help from God, or thank him for our wonderful lives. My children though, think that I won't go to heaven, because I was never baptised, therefore cannot take communion, and am not a member of the church. My personnal feelings are, My faith is strong. I believe in God, and his power and wisdom. I try to be true to him, and live my life with good morals. I try to treat people with respect, and help those that are less fortunate than me when I can. I support my wife and childrens decisions to be so active in the church, however I only go for "The Big Ones". I just don't really feel the whole need for group assemblies, or conforming to a particular churches standards. I hope that God will have a place for me, but I have to wonder, you know? Those with greater knowledge, and stronger faith, please enlighten me.

Heaven has a place for believers. If you go to church and you pray that is not enough to go to heaven. You would need to believe that Jesus died for our sins and that he is the only begotten son.

1) Rom. 3:10: "As it is written, 'There is none righteous, no not one...'"

2) Rom. 3:23: "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

3) Rom. 5:12: "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:"

4) Rom. 6:23: "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."

5) Rom. 5:8: "But God commendeth (demonstrates) his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."

6) Rom. 10:9-10: "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation."

7) Rom. 10:13: "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

That is just the beginning, saying a prayer and reading the bible does not mean anything unless you actually believe in what you are reading and you are willing to your you life in the hands of God.

Good luck to you and God Bless,

Gary, I'm glad you opened up and let us know what is on your heart and mind. Lets just say that what you are doing right now is searching for the "Truth" which is Christ himself. John 14:6 says Jesus said to him "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through me." This whole thing of being a "Christian" is not so much a religion, but a relationship. A relationship with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Christ is the greatest Firefighter of all. He literally went to Hell and back to save you and me. He loves us so much that He died on that cross so that we may spend Eternity with Him in heaven with God the Father, creator of Heaven and earth. So will you go to heaven by just doing good works such as giving to others, having good morals, not breaking the law and so on? NO! You need to except Jesus Christ as your personal savior. Acts 16:31 And they said "Believe in the Lord Jesus and you shall be saved, ... The thing is though so many people say they "Believe" but don't follow. This is where the "Relationship" comes in. Many people treat God as if He was some kind of genie in the bottle and only ask of him when they want something or to get them out of a tight spot. This is not a true loving relationship with someone who has laid his life down for you. I find that my relationship with Christ is like my relationship with my wife. It takes commitment, and sometimes sacrifice. Is being a Christian all easy and a walk in the park? No. And Christ never said it would be. But, stop and think about this, someone (Christ) died for you to wipe away all your sins, (past, present, and future), He is offering you this free gift to be with Him in Heaven when all is said and done. Would you turn down a free car, a free million dollars, with no strings attached? I wouldn't, so why turn this down, life after death. It's that or Hell where you burn and in torment for eternity. You say you don't feel the need for group assemblies or conforming to particular church standards. If there is no standards in life or structure, what kind of world would this be. Even the Universe has order, if it didn't we wouldn't exist. (Hebrews 10:24-27) and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good works, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more, as you see the day drawing near. For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment, and "The Fury Of A Fire Which Will Consume The Adversaries". Gary, I want you to know that your going to Heaven, but it's up to you to take that step of faith and accept the free gift of life given to you by our Savior Jesus Christ and to follow Him. As far as reading the word, (Bible), find something in the New Testiment. Get yourself a bible that is a New International Version, or New American Standard version or The New King James Version. The old King James Version is hard to understand if you are not use to reading old english. Well I've gotta go, but please respond back with more questions that you have. I know I didn't even come close to answering your questions, but I hope its a start. Seek out your local church and talk to some of them. Have a good night.
Gary, first of all, I am not Christian. I am muslim and my faith is that of Islam. Contrary to popular belief, muslims believe in the same God of Christianity, Catholicism, and Judaism. We call Him Allah(God). There is only one God and He is the master of all creation and the giver of all mercies. He created the heavens and the earth and all that it encompasses. he also created Hell. Now, I know that many people of religious knowledge choose not to talk about Hell because they do not want to scare people, but I am here to tell you that hell is so real that it should have its' own zip code. Allah(God) created Hell for one reason and that is to punish those who do not submit to His will. Heaven and Hell are both described for us in the Qur'an, the Torah, and the earlier manuscripts of the Bible. As He is the creator and owner of both heaven and hell, only He can decide in His infinite Wisdom and truth who will go to Hell or Heaven. I may differ with you and your belief system, but I can not say, "Gary, you have to get onboard or you're going to Hell..." This is a judgement that only Allah(God) can make. It is no the place of any man, woman, or even child to say that if one does not follow my belief system or belong to my church, he is going to hell. If this is the message that the church is teaching your children, I must disagree. "Judge not lest ye be judged..." is a commonly overlooked and misinterpreted verse of the Bible. Now, I am not here to slam your religion, but there is a real difference between religion and faith. Religion is what people are indoctrinated to believe and do out of fear and Faith is what we believe and live out of Love for our Lord. I am sure your children love you and they do not want you to suffer the punishments that they have been taught are awaiting those who do not belong to the church or have never been baptised, and I love them for that. But perhaps you should remind them that only Allah(God) decides who will enter Heaven or Hell.
You know, I am not wise enough or would presume to know the mind of God but I do know what the Messiah Jesus the Christ has done. He gave all for you and me so we don't have to pay. That's love. We cannot earn our way into heaven. The scripture says that only but Jesus can intercession to the Father be made. Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and you will be saved. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by me." So with that said, Jesus is either the messiah or the biggest fraud ever. Denominations are man made and are fallable. There are places for the denominations but how we do "Church" has no bearing on our entrance into heaven. How does God deal with those who say their denomination is the only one are in for a rude awakening in the hereafter. Jesus and only Jesus is the way.


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