How may depts still use pump and roll trucks ( not brush trucks ) ? We have two tankers and one engine that are pump and roll. We use them for structure fires and water supply as well as fighting brush fires. One tanker is 3000 gal and the other is 1200 gal. The engine is 1000 gal.

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We still have a 3200 gallon tender that is set up this way. 500 gpm pump can either supply or run two 2 1/2's .
Not much call for non wildland pump and roll anymore.
not much sense using pump and roll tactics for anything other than wildland urban interface fires... unless watering down the roadway for dust mitigation is something that you plan on doing... : )
We have a large wildland/urban interface. We also have a large equestrian community, with several large horse farms.
None of ours do
Nope, not here....Find it doesn't make sense for us....we do carry a portable pump on our tankers but thats for mainly brush fires to run a line off of....Paul
We have pump and roll on our pumper. Came in very handy one night for 42 bin fires in a row...

Wasn't anywhere near as handy at a wildfire the other week. The fire being in the paddocks and no easy access from the road made it less than useful.
i may be gettin out of context of the question but most arff trucks if not all are pump and roll and our 2nd run engine is pump and roll haven't come in to a situation to use it yet
We never heard. So I think not. He lit a couple the next week, but not many and then nothing. After the first night, the cops said they wanted us to class each bin as a seperate incident, and report them as such. That would have enabled them to hit him 42 times... After they caught him of course!
I said that I found our pumper pretty useless for wildfire? For that I'll stick to our 4WD Tanker - a wildfire firefighting vehicle with a separate engine for the pump. Great vehicle.

Horses for courses.
We still have some old FMC engines with the John Bean high pressure pto pumps that we can pump and roll but they don't get used for that until the $#!T hits the fan. Most of the rural departments have at least one cross mount tanker that can be used as a pump and roll but once again that is a worst case scenario. We all have brush trucks for brush/grass fires. Some places have brush trucks that carry up to 1200 gallons though. So call them what you will.

We have everything as pump and roll. But without many close to road wildfires it is almost useless. But when we run into the jack pine flats along roadways it does come into play. We also have our 4000 gallon tanker with a deluge gun on top that works with pump and roll. It comes in handy for structure protection and exposure portection during structure fires. Also handy for blowing shingles off.

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