What kind of POV lights does everyone have and would anyone prefer some good lights or light setups to me.

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"...would anyone prefer some good lights or light setups to me."
I'd prefer ya dint get none.
"would anyone prefer some good lights or light setups to me."

I'm with Oldman on this one. But, just for the reason that I haven't wasted all of my time yet, the only lights you should be worried about are the ones on the poles at intersections. Use them and abide by their rules and you'll be that much of a safer responder.
I dont have POV lights of any kind ...... I never go POV to a scene unless absolutely have to. Seems too many problems with some people running lights on their POV.
AGAIN - R U F!@#$%* kidding me...............life, get one, now....end discussion..out
I tell you what, why don't you talk with your Commanding Officer and find out what he recommends.
i dont need you to correct me smartass
i dont want to show off we run enough calls for me to need some and im usually in busy traffic
yes i know this im just gettin ready to buy some and all i needed was some suggestions on some
When I was on probation some many years ago. I was driving for the Battalion Chief, I started to drive pretty fast because I could and because I was excited. The BC put his hand on my arm and said (slow down kid, it will still be on fire when we get there".
Apparently you do, you still are misspelling I (i). Also there should be a period on the end on a sentence.
What she said!

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