I am having a really hard time convincing my fellow firefighters to wear SCBA at a car fire...

i've seen a picture before that has a car exploding on a pair of firefighters with the words.... "this is why we should wear SCBA"


however... i've looked everywhere and cannot seem to find it. can someone please upload it to this discussion so i can put it all over the station. would be much appreciated.


i'm getting sick and tired of my fellow brothers acting like heroes. and i know it's gunna be me who ends up hurt cause of their mistake.


Thanks guys!


F/F Van Tilburg. Moe Urban Fire Brigade, VIC, Australia.

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Don't take this as a personal attack but you telling other firefighters what they are doing is not safe and that they are trying to act like a hero. Your only 19 years old.

Typically seasoned and veteran Firefighters know how to handle themselves on a fire scene.

I don't know how you operate over in Australia but just my 2 cents. BTW.. I do wear mine at car fires.
It sounds like the "seasoned" firefighters are not trained very well. The 19 year old should put in for training chief and straighten them out.
i dont tell them that. i know how to hold my place. by the way... im 20 haha

its our Captain who isnt SCBA accredited telling me who is SCBA accredited not to wear it.
its one of our Lt's and our Captain (who isnt SCBA accredited) telling me, and other accredited wearers to NOT wear it.

and the Lt and Capt dont participate in any of our training drills. havent done fore about 10 years...

im just looking for ways to weave it into our brigade policy... because i am 20 they wont listen to me.
check out flash over tv, you can bing it on msn and it has catagories you can choose from, i've seen the videos you are talking about and hope you find what you are looking for there. take care and be safe.
Find out where the next LODD funerals are and get everyone to attend those... that is a moment of awareness for many that are failing to take precautions.

If you feel unsafe on your department - and your department is not listening to your input - then you need to leave and go to another department.

Departments that cut corners in one area, will cut corners in other areas.

Now I know nothing about your department in particular, just making generalized comments.

Find who ever is the official SCBA trainer in your area and ask your training officer or chief - however your dept is set up if they can come do a formal training for everyone on your squad as one of your regular trainings.

I have seen a train of thought - if the FF is outside of the fire - such as the bldg or vehicle - then FFs can get the idea that they are breathing sufficient fresh air... unlike in a confined space - like inside the burning building. If that is how your department has done things for 100 years, then they will need to be re-trained and will need to be encouraged repeatedly to move into the newer safer style of FF - without anger and disappointment - just encouragement and training.

And ask questions - ask WHY they are doing what they are doing? Ask what their existing concerns are about their course of actions and find out what protocols are in place - if they are being followed or need to be revised to reflect current safety standards...

Find the member, Lutan1 on FFN members - he is in your country and knows alot about safety procedures, perhaps he would have some suggestions. Perhaps send him an email.

Lots of options... good luck...
Well, Matthew, you are a wise man. I'll borrow and adapt a line from the aircraft pilots: "There are old firefighters and there are bold firefighters, but there aren't many old bold firefighters." Good luck.
Excellent idea!!!
When I worked as a volunteer down in Texas, the department I worked with, some of the high-ups didn't believe in wearing a SCBA to a car fire, I always wore mine. I was told that there was the "right" way of doing things and there was a best way. The guy who told me that was a complete idiot.. along with most of the guys I worked with there... ALWAYS wear your PPE. It won't hurt you, if they are that stupid, thats on them. Just don't let it compromise your safety.
I feel your pain brother. On my first car fire I was told by are former chief I didn't need a S.C.B.A. and ended up with toxic smoke inhalation. I tried very hard to change the thinking of the dept. and after replacing are old chief things changed. I made deputy chief and now s.c.b.a.'s are always worn. Good luck and if ya need a hand changing there minds let me know
You have got bigger problems....

Like officers not SCBA certified?
If they can read they should know to wear an SCBA. Cancer, cancer, cancer!!!!

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