Associated Press Writer

INDIANAPOLIS - An animal rights group figures if KFC can use fire extinguishers to promote its chicken in Indianapolis, it should be able to denounce cruelty to the birds on city fire trucks.

People for the Ethical Treatment for Animals made the $7,500 offer in a letter to Mayor Greg Ballard after the fast-food chain announced a deal this week to help pay for fire extinguishers and smoke detectors for the city in exchange for advertising on them.

The ad proposed by PETA shows a plucked and scalded chicken alongside the taglines "Chickens Are Burned To Death At KFC" and "Boycott Cruelty." PETA claims many KFC chickens are scalded to death during processing at the slaughterhouse.

A spokeswoman for the mayor questions the propriety of placing advertising on public safety vehicles.

KFC to Use Hydrants to Market Hot Wings

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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HAHAHAHAHAHA, You had to know that something like this was going to happen. Come on, really? Watch, now the city is going to have to remove all of the advertising gimmicks, AND give the money back.

This is a prime example of why and how the system is broken in the USA. I mean, if the city says no then they'll have their attorneys sue the city. Then it is going to be a big "Well, they get to do this, that, and whatever." In the words of the well known America's American, Earl Pitts- "WAKE UP AMERICA!" Sorry let me climb off this soap box now.
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I have yet to see a fire dept. that protests fried chicken.
People Eating Tasty Animals
Maybe peta could paint the hydrants to look like broccoli, give them something to do.
well what was peta gunna do besides give the city money at least kfc bought them equipment
Since when does public safety from a fire department perspective have anything to do with peta or food, other than what to do if what you are cooking or your pet catch's fire?
Yeah, it would be pretty funny, but some city's paint hydrants different colors to identify what range of pressure to expect, would they have to cover all food groups to distinguish them? what about trying to find a dark green hydrant in the middle of the night? I must be really bored to be thinking that much about it.
I'm of two minds: one is that the city should not sell advertising on public safety equipment. That said, since taxes are political suicide the city need to find money somewhere. Perhaps the city should institute guidelines to ensure apolitical advertising on public safety assets. Clearly we don't want the mayor putting campaign material on the side of his fire trucks, or slagging his opponents on the back of parking tickets.

If they are going to sell this space, they need to think up how to do it wisely. They should have done this prior to selling the first spaces. Since they did not, this is going to backfire on them in a big way.
Just shows that a "simple solution" to money issues can turn into a nightmare.
And thus why there should be NO advertising on public buildings, vehicles and infrastructre.

A blanket ruling of NO is easier to enforce than trying to make or getting involved in ethical debates, etc.
Hmmm, seems eerily familiar to another certain hot topic previously discussed.
Seriousely, I was going to write in the post about the hydrants, saying what's next, adds on frietrucks like they do on the busses? For the love of all that is holy and great, where is the limit to all this crap? You know, PETA does have good intentions, but I'll be damned if I would drive a truck with a scalded and plucked chicken on the side.
save the world SHOOT A PETA MEMBER TODAY i mean come on there's room for all gods creatures right next to the mashed potato's :)- hell maby i should send Peta a email and invite them to our fire departments annual chicken bbq in august

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