SCHYULKILL HAVEN, Pa. - State police have arrested three eastern Pennsylvania firefighters in connection with nine arsons that caused damages estimated at more than $2 million.

Pennsylvania State Police at Schuylkill Haven charged the three men on Tuesday and say more arrests are possible.

Authorities charged 21-year-old Shawn Hoy, of Pine Grove, and 21-year-old John Eichert, of Orwigsburg, with multiple counts of arson. Eighteen-year-old Matthew Dixon, of Friedensburg, is charged with a single count.

Police say the men were all active members of the Friedensburg Fire Company when the arsons occurred. Seven barns, a vacant house and a field were burned between September 2009 and January 2010. Hoy is also charged in a 2007 fire.

The suspects are being held in Schuylkill County Prison in lieu of bail. It was not immediately clear if they had attorneys.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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One of my cousins up in Washington riding a ladder truck will just love this, getting his skin burnt blacker in places than he was born with putting fires OUT while these Generation Zero losers are going around causing terrible destruction in order to play the hero. Certainly [and sadly] nothing new, as that deranged psycho killer arsonist J. Orr exemplifies so badly. I don't expect These Three Toads were actively following in that Southern California thing's hoofprints, but until/unless some effective screening could be put in place to weed out things like these, the unhinged sociopath may always walk undetected in the most tempting first-responder occupations - until they get caught.
Its a Fire Department of course they do background checks.
While certainly useful, background checks are not an end-all be-all solution to a problem like this. Firstly there's the old adage about "first time for everything," which means that the psychos can have gotten away with similar crimes without being suspected/detected before they slip up & get caught. And even then, secondly, since there's no common standards of documentation between all the states [and even at the intrastate level], there's enough gaps & loopholes for any number of sickos to slime through and carry out even just one or a few more examples of their depravity. Just the tragic case of Susan White in Houston tells that tale - some character is deemed unworthy to carry a gun & badge in one Texas police department yet manages to still find employment as a cop elsewhere because the other department's assessment isn't passed along to other agencies, and ultimately the thing manages to kill an innocent woman. It got only a fraction of what it deserved - which to me was the chair - but some measure of justice was handed down. As for Christian's "what if" observation, the egotistical sociopath cares nothing for anyone or anything but itself. That lunatic killer J. Orr in California was concerned only with the power and attention that would come to it as a result of "fighting" the very fires it had started, not about its helpless victims. That monstrosity even went so far as to write some movie script or other based on its deadliest crime, hardly bothering to conceal or change certain details, practically exulting LOOKY WHAT I DID over the deaths of 4 people. When I first heard of this nightmarish creature's disgusting acts I erupted into such a fury of cursing & weeping it brought my dogs running, both frightened and trying to comfort me at the same time. The walking dead zones in our midst are completely incapable of such feeling. There can never be any such thing as "what if it was them" when it comes to the twisted selfcentered inhumans among us THAT derive pleasure from the pain of others. And while no less evil than Bundy, Gacy, Corll, Watts, Ridgway, Kemper, Spencer, Dahmer & the long bloody list of their vomitable kind which inflict suffering and death on their victims individually and at close range, the serial pyro with its combustible purposes may be even more scary. I'm just glad that the Trilogy of Terror in this case got busted before death got added to their self-gratification checklist - and hopefully background checks will ensure they never put on another turnout kit in their miserable misbegotten lives.
Reply by Justin Morgan Strickland 34 minutes ago
And you must be a stupid black male that gets paid to do nothing. It doesnt say volunteers or paid. Its asshole like you why real fire men hate dumb asses like you.!!!!!!!


Thank you for showing everyone here at FFN just what a douche bag you are. For you to make this comment about (and I'm quoting you directly), " must be a stupid black male that gets paid to do nothing." shows just how blazingly ignorant and racist you are. I will be happy to forward your comment, if you wish, on to the WebChief and your department (Havana Fla ? Hopefully they all aren't racists like you.)

The picture is one I found online that someone photo shopped, with a monkey's face on a firefighter's body. As I always refer to myself as a hose monkey I thought it was cute. By the way, I happen to be white (well, white-ish, it's that damn mediterranean blood that gives me that swarthy look. You have a problem with us too?)

As for my being an "asshole", well the jury is out on that one ( it!) but clearly you are indeed a glaring example of assholedom if ever there was one. Read (or find a literate person and have them read to you) the links I provided. There is very little doubt that firefighter arson is almost the exclusive realm of young, white males. There have been some cases of older, black, female and paid but are very rare and are the exceptions. (That means that it is almost always young, white, male and volunteer. Did I just describe you?)

With your unconcealed rage against blacks and paid firefighters I suspect that you are neither the brightest light in the knife drawer nor the smartest rocket surgeon in your department. And while you may have a hard time believing it, I actually am a real firefighter (fire men? Really? I'm guessing there a no women in your department as well as blacks. You're quite the misogynist too, aren't you.)

Find that same literate person (it means one who can read) and have them read this to you slowly so that you can understand it. It's okay to be stupid, fortunately since you are you aren't able to recognize it but I'm sure those around you are well aware of it. All I can say in conclusion is, nice!
I think it's not the color of a person that commit a crime the fact that these guys were firemen and should have some since to know right from wrong what ever happen to personnel care for others and choices we make what a dum thing to do

He ain't coming back. (And for the record, I don't think you're an "asshole"). But while you probably have Justin pretty much pegged as an ignorant phuck, don't you think "mysogynist" may have been a bit of a stretch? I mean, unless there are some deleted
comments that would indicate otherwise, how do you get mysogynist out of a three
sentence post and his use of the term "fire men"(sic)?

Almost forgot - how did you know all that info on Justin and his department?
And don't yell at me for snapping at your heels, I'm just sayin....

Granted I was laboring under the assumption that anyone who would make a statement about a "stupid black male that gets paid to do nothing", referring to us as fire men and his insistence that I was an "asshole" and a "dumb ass(es)" and the mental picture I had of him, his spittle splattering on his screen as he mumbled incoherently, couldn't be all that far removed from significant feelings of misogyny. If he chooses to challenge me on that statement I would be willing to reconsider it.

It's interesting that his 'top issue facing responders' is the "...lack of of respect from paid Firefighters." I dunno why that would be. (I'm thinking his use of the double 'of' was for emphasis?)

Nice to hear you don't think I'm an "asshole" and no, I didn't think you were snapping at me heels...this time (although you always do seem to find some fault with what I've written, must be the perfectionist in you.)
Mr. Strickland's profile indicates that a lack of respect for volunteers by the career firefighters is the most important issue facing the fire service.
That would explain alot.
I can't believe he hasn't been wiped clean from this website.
Racism is very unbecoming.
Was he reported? I can't do that from work.
His reply made me cringe.

Your willingness to reconsider is commendable, but like I said, he ain't coming back.

It's fascinating to me that his "Top issue....." is one we both seized on. I noticed the same thing and said to myself, "Of all the challenges facing volunteer departments - manning, funding, training, equipping and so on - lack of respect from paid guys is his biggest problem?" Of course I noticed that when I checked out his profile - the one not set to private, like mine. Don't you feel a little guilty about checking up on other people when they can't do likewise? I often disagree with you, but you do strike me as being principled, and this I-can-see-you-but-you-can't-see-me mode you're in is difficult for me to reconcile in a stand-up guy. (I know we're all free to do, or not do, as we please, but do you at least get my drift?)
A long time ago in my far-from-stupid-black-male childhood I read a charming book called "Justin Morgan Had A Horse" about the inventor of the breed that bears his name. Hopefully this ignorance-spewing reactionary racist wasn't named in [dis]honor of that great American, but having exposed itself does give rise to a new title: Justin Morgan Is A Horse's Asshole. When I think of the brave fighters of Man's Deadliest Foe - that's called "fire," JMS, although your pungent stupidity is running a close second - I've known, from the friendly ones at the firehouse a few blocks from my boyhood home who sometimes let me help wash the apparatus [all I could reach was the wheels!] to the ones who saved an aunt, uncle & cousin from certain death, inspiring the cousin to later become a fireman himself [likely even at this writing speeding to or having returned from battling a blaze], it mega-pisses me off that idiots like that JMS or the Terrible Trio in Pennsylvania are running around loose disgracing a profession where they don't belong. I sure hope their numbers are few like their IQs.
Aw Philly, you're curious! It's okay, it's a normal feeling. I appreciate that I can look up your skirt at your profile and you have a valid point about 'transparency.'

I have lifted the cloak of secrecy (the cone of silence?), feel free to wander about and marvel at all that is me (revealed, as it were.)

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