Pennsylvania Fire Departments Seek Smoking Ban Exemption to Help Events

APOLLO, Pa. (AP) -- Some volunteer fire departments say Pennsylvania's smoking ban is hurting their bingo fundraisers and they want an exemption.

Bill Walker of Apollo's department, says about 80 people had attended bingo the week before the ban took effect. Attendance last week was 13 and seven the week before.

Steve Callipare of the Oklahoma Volunteer Fire Dept. says if departments don't get an exemption, many will close.

A half-dozen department officials met Sunday in Apollo to discuss the issue. State Rep. Joseph Petrarca, D-Westmoreland, says departments should be exempted. But he says amending the law would be difficult.

Fire departments are considered private clubs that can allow smoking at member events, but not at bingo games, which are considered public gatherings.

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If those departments are like mine they probably rely totally on fund raising to keep the doors open and if you lose a large chunk of you customers then it puts your department in financial trouble.

I am not a smoker never have been but I will not treat those who do smoke like leapers.

If I could get an exemption so I can have smokers come to the fund raiser I would because my main goal is to keep the department open to protest the community and that is my main goal.

And strtcopr you said about breathing second hand smoke to by PPE. How many times do you see fire fighters go in on salvage and overhaul and not were airpacks when the fire is out what kind of crap do you think they are breathing in doing that in.
Very True anything to raise money, I think they should get an exemption, as for the guys doing over haul I have seen them do it before and our command staff has come down on them too, but your right they have breathed in alot of bad stuff as well in the past and some still do at some places.
Being from Pa, this does appear to be a problem for several companies. Many departments get most money to survive from fundraisers. They should receive an exemption. I doubt it will happen tho.
Didn't realize bingo and smokers were that connected. Just wait, those bingo players will return when the urge gets stronger then their nicotine withdrawal. Good luck to all VFDs concerned.TCSS
I agree Steve, although we had our big ticket drawing and more than half were pleased it was non smoking and the rest just went outside to smoke. We do not have Bingo at our station but we do have alot of fundraisers and they are now all non smoking.
i under stand that not all people want to be around smoke, but come one... most places have a smokin room and a nonsmokin room, when they have events... or at least differ sections with smoke fan... there is one bingo in the area the shut down 2 weeks after the smokin ban came in effect... now that is where they made most of their money... most of the ppl that spend the most money at these events smoke and if they are told they cant they dp not go to that establishment... if u want to smoke that is ur choice.... i can see about not in resturants, but even like the bars.. if u dont like smoke do go......i do believe the fire departments do need to be exempt because that is where alot of the money comes from...
It is so sad that any volunteer fire dept should have to give up more time away from family to just get by to operate the station,to protect the community while all these big corporate big shots get bail out money. Volunteers already give more to a community and to this country as a whole just to be ask to give more time for mandatory trainings (NIMS) to qualify for grant money.What if volunteers didn't volunteer? The fire commisioners should have to make up the lost in revenue this department lost. BE SAFE!!!
What a strange coincidence it is to have the casinos being built, in this "Commonwealth" (what a joke!) to have allowable smoking space, which by the way, can be increased if they submit the "proper" supporting statistics. All the while, the bingo halls have to be no smoking, causing some to close and others being close to closing. How is it a bingo hall is considered to be a public gathering while public attendance in casinos is not? Yeah, bingo is a game. Black jack, slots and poker are games too. (And, it's not just the fds, that this is hurting, it's churches and other organizations as well.) We have over 2,000 volunteer fire companies here in PA. We ought to make known our disgust as a whole and do so in the voting booths. If every vfd member of every county and their family voted, to boot out these elected officials who voted along with this, or for not finding a better solution to support our losses, we may get them to listen. Maybe we could show them the power we have known as brotherhood. Very few politicians are in government for us the taxpayers. They seem to always want us to do more with less, especially where public safety is concerned. Volunteer firefighters have been supporting this State for over 230 years. What gratitude we are receiving. Casinos recently move in and are given more opportunities to make their money. Hey, I'm a non-smoker too, but the way they pulled this off, just wasn't right! I thought cigarette smoke smelled bad, but this smells a whole lot worse! I wish you all well! It's time to change cards.
Good luck, stay safe!
If "Smoking is prohibited in places of public assembly", then it is a level playing field and fire departments or bars or casinos would not be singled out. Thats a good thing. I know bingo players are smokers but are they really staying home to smoke instead of playing bingo? When smokers adapt they no longer suffer the guilt that comes with exposing inocent bystanders exposure to thier addiction. No one else has to go home and leave their stinking clothes in the garage before they shower and go to bed. Like most fellow ex-smokers, I can not tolerate being around it. We are not suposed to be intentionally abusive to ourselves. PS Andy, we often talk about our potential strength as a voting bloc but, I'm told, the truth is volunteer firefighters have a lousy voting record.

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