Okay I have a quick question for any of you guys/gals up by the NYS boarder with Canada. Right now I have a removable light bar (blue) on my truck as well as a fixed set of grill lights (also blue) located just between where the fog lights would go on a ford sport trac, 04 edition. Now with a upcoming trip across the boarder I have no problem removing my roof light and leaving it at home but its a bit more difficult to do that with the grill lights. Should I just pop the fuse and cover the light heads in duct tape or do somthing else? Anyone know anything on the topic ? thanks in advance

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I would strongly recommend a phone call to the Canadian Customs building...they would be far more qualified than anyone here and might save yuo a ticket....in some States here in the US you cannot have BLUE light on your vehicle as that is what their Law Enforcement agancies use.....Good luck......Paul
you can have blue lights in ny. you shouldnt have a problem at all. i cross the border with them in my truck all the time.
Scott, Paul is right.. best to check with the border auth. first. In Canada, blue lights mean snow removal. Except in Law enforcement, its red and blue. We use RED lights for fire. Ontario however, used green for vol. ff. The laws vary from province to province. Here in Manitoba, while we can use the lights, they must be covered when not in use. IF you put tape across the blue lights, so as to conceal the colors, I suspect that would be adequate given the situation. But, a phone call to the prov. highways dept. would also give you the answers.. well in theory. lol they prolly don't know what the hell to tell you either. I suspect if you pull the fuse to make them inoperable, and covered the lenses.. they would not say anything to you.
WELCOME TO CANADA ! oh, and remember... while here, keep your stick on the ice. and beware of our beer. One of ours is the equivalent of 4 or 5 of yours lol or so I've been told! good luck
Hey Paul, I agree you should place a call to the Canadian Customs, My last trip over the border they did not ask me to remove the light. But verified that I was a firefighter in NY. Vermont gave me a hard time since they run Blue on thier patrol cars.
Okay thanks fellas Ill put in a call shortly.
is it true....that duct tape is "the handy man's helper".....and remember..."If it ain't broken then you ain't trying." LOL..Really...I thought the beer was like your dollar...worth about 60% of ours....LOL....(sorry couldn't help myself) Ah...?
LOL Paul. I actually had to go check.. but ours is only 4% alc. but thats for a lite beer. Our money might not be worth chit, but we do build prettteeeeee good beer!
Scott, just an after thought too, even if you took out the bulbs. What could they say about it? Just tell them.. I dint know what those things were for EH!.
Brian....I might get my butt kicked....but, your women aren't bad either.....8)
yah well you know what they say.. drink till they are cute! lol
Just take them all out...not like they put the fire out any faster.

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