So did anyone hear how the NYPD ESU killed a guy that was run over by a car? Yea well another case to the cops trying to be firemen. they used the jaws as a JACK an the jaws slipped an the car came back down on the guy,oh yea NO CRIBBING!

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It was a M/C MVA, pt and bike under a car. And NYPD killed him.

You can see the ff's reaction like "Are you frigin kidding me????"

Firefighters.... "Don't worry, we got it."

Police "Oops"

The wannabe firefighters of the NYPD!


Thomas, when in a Hurst class, this is a typical rescue. BUT, BUT, cribbing and ff's on both sides load the cribbing as the car is raised. Normally stair cribbing to prevent this.
Oh i know, ive taken the class. But they also stress that it should be the last resort if other options fail or cant be dont in a timely manner. Just like any piece of equipment the jaws can fail at anytime. Ive only had to do it once like that lifting a car off something but i did it from a strong part of the car like the frame, not the plastic bumper.
Oh an guys there a clearer video now up of this mva starts b4 fd an cops get there. jason idk if the one u have is it but ill check
Ok jason no thats the old video! go to theres a 14 min video of it an fd was first on the scene an getting ready for the air bags when pd just right in an started there own thing with the jaws. the Lt. is seen saying something to the cops bfore they start with the lift an then it happens.
I both watched the Dave Statter video and read his chronology of the incident. My observations are more candid but I share them to purposely not go with the flow and norms for this war between jurisdictional roles. What I saw first off was total lack of patient care and pre-hospital care. Everyone on scene, and I include firefighters and NYPD acted like hacks. Everyone's priorities here are totally screwed up and clueless.

First off, who cares who gets the credit as long as the job gets done. The victim is the priority, not being a hero and taking the glory. There is no glory associated with rescuing a corpse. This could have been prevented by the fire company officer having command presence. There is a reason why Fire Captains wear red helmets. They are in charge of the scene and need to be there directing your personnel. I lost count of the number of firefighters standing around. Not one of those worthless firefighters take the timemto both put an oxygen mask on the victim, but to take vital signs, get an EKG and pulseox going and STAY with the patient.

The fire department gave away the scene with their lack of immediacy and decisiveness. Too many guys hanging around doing nothing. Don't these firefighters train together? Only a handful of firefighters appeared to be actually working and again, NO ONE was with the victim that witnesses on scene o served was still alive. Had the Captain assigned a patient man, used ICS to initiate assignments, he could have formed immediate functional groups to handle everything. Instead, everyone tunnel visioned just like this post on lack of cringing and premature JAWS usage.  This is not the case. Lack of command and leadership allowed the alpha male cop mentality to bulldoze right over the firefighters. 

Trust me, had a firefighter and his partner been doing there job and providing EMS in a rescue situation, they would have been there for the patient as an advocate, preventing adrenaline award conscious wannabe firefighters from acting like a bunch of hacks. If the FD had it together, and this includes company drills practicing expedient deployment of the needed tools to stabilize the vehicle concurrent with providing patient care. To not do so will continue to have results like this. Living in ambiguity city, one would assume that people getting run over and trapped under cars was commonplace. You couldn't tell this from
Watching the video. No one cared for the victim. That's a crime and should be the major concern here next to lack of command. 


Mike,again im dont going against what your saying, everyone has there own way of seeing things an handling there own situations. But i will ask you how are u gonna get O2 on a guy under a car, wearing a full helmet. An also its not the FDNY's job to take EKG'S or pulseox. For 1 they dont carry that stuff on there fire trucks, thats why the have amblances. The 1 thing i will agree on with you is , yes the scene should have been handled better an yes there should have been more pt. contact. You have to remember there may be trained EMT's on there fire trucks with a basic first in bag but, thats only till the EMS gets there with more equipment. An pt. advocate wount stop the adrenaline rush cops at all. Again there's a big difference in the way we all in our own department operate an handle things. We mostly all do the medical field on mva's an rescuse calls cause most of us dont have paid ambulances. Thats not the case with the city! they have approx. 5k rigs FDNY or private hosp. rigs even vol. paid. That is why the fire department does only minimal basic ems work an dont have all the equipment on there trucks an the cops dont have that stuff eighter. But i not trying to get into a pissing match with anyone, im just informing you guys on somethings that have been brought up. Like i said been around the Fdny my whole life my dads retired, an i lived in the city for almost 15 yrs. So if theres a question asked or a comment made about something i know, ill be the first to correct it.



This kind of entrapment is likely pretty common in NY, but with 143 ladder companies providing rescue services - in addition to 5 rescue companies and 7 squads - it's unlikely that all 143 ladder companies deal with heavy lifting rescues on a regular basis.


On a minor note, FDNY company officers do not wear red helmets.  They wear black helmets with white frontpieces - until they turn black from smoke.


FDNY chiefs and EMS officers wear white helmets.  An EMS Lieutenant (tan turnout gear) can be seen donning his white helmet in the 2nd half of the newer Statter911 video.

help me friend new york
My name is Gary, I am fireman in Paris, France for 10 years I come to New York for the attacks of 9/11/2001 comémoration
I support you always I'm even a tattoo in your honor
I am looking for a place to sleep or a barracks that could house me for this I comémoration not speak much English I want to be my presence in New York for 10 years help me
your colleague and friend of Paris fire

Police should do police work. They should pull the plug out of the ESU units. It is even common in NYC tat police extricates someone without even calling in the FDNY !!!! It is an ongoing battle and here the victim lost it.

Apart from the war between FDNY and NYPD, the technique used by the ESU was poor and at least careless. Racing to lift a car with a spreader is asking for problems.

Marc you said what i've been trying to say all along. Thank you for your input. The Esu is a wast of tax payers dollars. And yes it is true most calls they dont even notify the fire department, its cause they think there all that! Again thanks for ur input

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