Anyone have any information or tips on how to attach your Nomex Hood to your Turn-out Coat. I know alot of people are doing it and have heard of some sewing it and some pinning it on somehow. Any feedback or tips on either method would be great.

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I agree with Ray I keep it between my boots and put it on first I always know where it is.
I have never heard of this and like most of the other post I just leave it in my gear until I need it. In my area a lot of our calls don't require a hood (tree removal, traffic control).
First, would't that be more of a pain to don? Second, the various methods of attachment could pose a saftey hazard. I, personally, would't do it.
As they are meant to be separate items of PPE, I'm not going to attempt to attach my hood to my jacket. Also, if it's attached then it will be harder to coompletely remove when I don't need it. With ambient temperature normally above 10C there are many times when I don't want the thing around my neck.

Hanging my hood with my trousers seems good to me. Hood, trousers, boots, jacket then into the truck helmet in hand - a simple routine.
I just got done replying to the Meth lab discussion and the issue of nomex hood use was a part of my post. I have included it below.

This is why it is imperative that whenever making entry into a structure or dealing with a car fire that you have to ensure that all routes of entry are covered. Nomex hoods, while not being vapor proof provide at least some form of dermal protection for your head. From your EMT classes, you learned how highly vascular the head is. This also means that it's a wonderful pathway for things to enter your body. Your hair also absorbs these "products of combustion".

A typical housefire releases:

hydrogen cyanide vapors
sulfuric acid vapors
organic vapors & mists
unburned radicals (things that burned, were reduced to the molecular level in the process and then recombined to create these nasty things - hence presumptive cancer laws...

With that said, and forgive me for being pretty blunt here, but this is something that YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO! I don't want to see anyone get hurt, or suffer the affects of cancer or other physical issues associated with chemical exposures. Please read this and take it very seriously.

Why is it a bad idea to attach a nomex hood to a turnout jacket?

- You will void the manufacturers warranty, which you don't want to do in case you get hurt on the job. This means that the insurance may not cover your claim. this should be enough for you make the decision not to go any further on this concept.

- With the knowledge now of what types of things are produced from things burning, all those chemicals and unburned radicals will be happy to absorb into the nomex fibers, and will be even happier rubbing up against your skin.

- Out of all the things you wear, the thing that touches your skin needs to be kept separate and clean, after EVERY fire. I'm sure you can come up with a 2nd hood to use while the other is being washed. By doing this, you are lessening the chance or dermal absorption and exposure to methyl-ethyl-death.

1. Wear your hood, but don't attach it to your turnout jacket.
2. After every fire, take the time to wash and dry the hood to minimize dermal exposure potential.
3. Train often as if your life depends on it, your life may depend on it... because it does...


AWESOME captain Busy!!!
What's key here is for all of us to maintain a healthy life style. Getting cancer from exposure to something that caught on fire, burned and released some off the wall carcinogenic product is not my idea of a good time... I did like the tie die approach to nomex hoods though. :D CB
YES! Clean them after EVERY fire. I have three in my locker just for when that happens. Thats 3 besides the one on the engine. I have a spare in my war bag on the engine as well. 2 of the 3 in my locker are still in plastic. Never used...but they will be.

Look safety is always paramount, spend the bucks to have some back up gear. You would spend it to have a pretty carabiner to hook to your bunker coat, or a bunch of reflective stickers on your helmet, of for that matter take the "sticker money" you were saving to plaster the back window of your pick up with all the "fight what you fear" stuff and get a back up hood!

Like Captain Busy says...gettin bueno!
Great sum up Captain Busy. I was reading through the post making notes on what to reply. You said it all (and more). Good job!

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