Your in Rural Town USA. Driving you POV to the local gas station to get a soda and pump some gas. On your way you smell smoke, rather thick.


Clear sky, 90F

Wind 10-15, Gusting to 20.

No Rain for SEVERAL days.

You turn your POV down a dirt road, and the smoke gets thicker, and soon fills the road way. You stop and see a rather large bonfire, people sitting around drinking some beer, and throwing brush and other items into the large fire. You stop your POV and get out.

You walk up and make your self known.

"Hi all, Im (so and so of so and so Dept) how we doing today?"

people look at each other, and the "ring leader" walks towards you.

"The hell are you doing here? Get off my land!"

You ask if they have a permit, and they respond with,

"What the hells it to you?"

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I've been to them "officially" being a deputy warden with my entire engine company and a police officer and it turned into a UFC with a courage by budweiser a-hole around his non-permit bonfire. I just love it when they start telling you they own you and you can't tell them what to do becasue they pay our salary. A pair of his own funded, silver bracelets, A&B on a PSO and his face from the backseat of the cruiser.......... priceless.

Ben I know it is different everywhere. Where I work there is no such thing as recreational fires, even with snow cover... or those little UL approved fire places for your back yard require a permit.
Good advice Jon....unless these are the guys that are doing the burning, if that is the case get the hell out of there if you value your life. Kobra Kai does not play!

Very true! but it has been MY experience(several years on Shore Patrol) that it's the little guy in the corner that will eventually cause the most ruckus!
So that's where I went wrong. I checked the wrong box.
Well you would just have to show up with Ralph Machio, then everything will be fine.....
True and you know if Ralph Machio were a firefighter he could ventilate a roof with his bare hands...think about it!
For sure, That would be something to see. HAHAHAHA.... I think you and I are the only one's having fun on here.
Same thing here Chief France. It just seems a lot of people get bent outta shape on here because your checking on something in your own Vehicle. This isnt a discussion on whos wrong, whos right, your trespassing, your not a cop nor do you having training in law enforcement, your not a Warden, ect ect. I wanted to see what the SOP or SOG's of other depts are. And yours is similar to ours. Thanks Chief.
1) What does thick smoke smell like?

2) If you wanted SOP/SOG's you should have asked for them. You proposed a "hypothetical" scenario and then asked, "What do you do?" People respond by telling you what they would do -their opinion- and here you are castigating them as being all "...bent outta shape..." You should have titled the post, "Everyone just agree with me here." It makes it easier on everyone.
Ok, I understand now.

Our SOP's are; we make enough calls, that we don't go out looking for more.
WOW WHAT A QUESTION! I have actually faced a simular sitution. I approached the persons involved and explained the risks and what could possibly happen and what would happen if the fire became "out of controll." I painted the picture in detail. I explained the expense that would be involved i.e. $20.00 per f.f. per hr. $ 500.00 per truck. Plus fuel & food. I also explained that even though It was his land that we have the right to investigate possible fire hazards and or unsafe conditions that may cause the loss of life and property and put the public at risk. After a little heated exchange I also explained that in our state it is against the law to keep fire personel from performing there duties and that it is punishable by a fine and or a nice stay at the county jail. I also told the individual that I would have a deputy respond to help explain this to him. Needless to say but the fire was put out and the person actualy became a vol. f.f the next year. I want to say also I conducted myself in a professional manner at all times and didnt try to turn a bad situation into a screaming match and treated all involved with respect. No they didnt have a permit. Some people need a little help in saving themselves and or there property and dont see the bi g picture. i.e. YOUR GOING TO BURN DOWN ALL THAT YOU OWN INCLUDING YOUR OUTSIDE PORTA POTTY AND YOU TRAILER!!
Cpt. G.K.
"Castigating". You hardly ever see that word, nice!

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