Okay, we all have nicknames for our guys in the station. What are some of the names used in you station? I'll start it off....Come along Delong, Sweet Pete, Doc, Gumby, Black Bart.

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We have a small guy and we call him spanner, LOL. For a spanner wrench.
Mine is NOZZLENUT!!!!!!
and a girl in our department is "SMOKEY"
"Jerry McGranahan-World's Strongest Redneck" "Lil Ham" "Mater" and "Dink"
Oh so many...Stanky, Buckwheat, spotlight, sausage pronouced sau-seige, Doc, old master, godfather, Maza ball, Capt. HA-HA, Chef Boy-O-Boy (he could really cook!) i had three, midnight, chubby and rubbergun
Me????? they call me tracker..... complete... "nightracker".... there's tubbie,two tone thats along story from a batchler party......b an a.... dahz boot....totle recall....dog...skeeter...
Hahahah alot of these really made me laugh :)

My Partner and I are both Jen's.. well I'm Jen.. she's Gen... so we have to go by last names. Luckily mine got shortened down to Mac... cause screaming Jen on a scene to get one of us to respond always results in both of us. LOL.. Other then that we're pretty basic on the names.... but we do have a Captain Panties hehe
We have Don Booey,Grits,Greens sometimes the pair are better known as just Grits & Greens. We also have Cousin Tucker,Ratbone,Bodine, Mr. Crabs,Bee Bop,Leroy,Sayheemanna,Man Kind,Gramboni.These are all just for fun and could change at the drop of a hat
We've got Momo, Too Tall, Schwinn, too many to count
At my first house we had lingger dingger (me) lemon, lime, titty, biscuits, camp, brew crew ( his last name was brewer) sevy, coop some more I can't think of. My second house bubba (me) rocky, Sasha, whit, the german, bfi, shut nuts, runa rift, snowman, mo, baaaa, and some others I can't think of. My 3rd house old man simons, boss, chooks, junior, fish, the dirty Mexican, rod, and some other ones I can't think of.
They just use my last name... lol
Mine is Marvin P. Lipshitz.......LOL..absolutely true

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