At our station we have some. We have Radar(the Chief), Rat, the Frog, Mac, John Boy, Rebel, Booger, Lieutenant Dan(said like Forrest Gump would), I am 007.
Well my nickname is Gopher. A couple of years ago when i was on a rural department in the same county we got badges and mine had my last name of Runer on the bottom where it is supposed to have your rank. Well one of the city firefighters (now my deputy chief) asked one day what Runer meant; if it meant that i was to run and get this or that and if it meant that i was the Go-For. Well that was over two years ago and i am now on the city department and everyone knows me as Gopher. It is funny cause sometimes people try to remember my last name when talking on the radio and all they can think of is my nickname. There arent any other guys with nicknames on the department except for me. Im so used to it that most of the time introductions to do with the fire department i call myself Gopher.
One a training exercise I was appearently dehydrated and didn't know it. After the interior search and rescue I was able to make it out and de-pack was extremely over heated. We had a medic on scene who started an IV drip. Took two bags to bring me back from the dead. From then on out the joke was before I go interior see the medic for the pre-connect.
My nickname in my company is Junior- mainly due to the fact that i am a Jr.
for a while there, we had other nicknames for members of shark bait, girl scout, and stickers
Omis Cedo Domus
Our department nicknames mostly relate to our size mine is biggy smalls, a fat joke someone come up with. Our chiefs is the keebler elf, little small fellow. We also have "little wormey B-----d" "fats" "sawman" "rooster". We have more but they are not politicly correct or child friendly.
Whats up there pood'n. We have nicknames like chicken nugget, squidward, ropesucker,baby face,and packman. Who needs enemys when you have good friends.