Nevada Senator Objects to FEMA Training Planned for Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS - Nevada Democratic Sen. Harry Reid has sent a letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano asking her to reconsider plans for an emergency exercise in Las Vegas.

Reid says in the letter dated Thursday that the simulation would harm the southern Nevada economy and hurt or even reverse economic recovery efforts.

Reid's office says the Federal Emergency Management Agency National Level Exercise 2010 is planned for May and would simulate a national level security threat on the Las Vegas Strip.

Reid says he understands the need for first responders to do training, but he says several groups have voiced opposition to the current proposed scenario.

DHS spokesman Sean Smith says the National Level Exercise 2010 is still in the planning phases, and FEMA will continue to work with congressmen and other key stakeholders as it develops the event.

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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I would like Senator Reid to NAME the groups in opposition to the planned exercise.
Otherwise, STFU.
He needs to go work on his health care plan. It IS his plan, because I already have one and don't want HIS.
AMEN, Chief!!!Took the words right outta my mouth.
Senator Reid to NAME the groups in opposition

His office, um, his office...his office, and I do believe his office.
Im all for training but as long as they dont do it like the air force 1 fly over NYC or the harbor "training exercise" on 9/11
Restaurant, bar and casino operators most likely. Hey, who can blame the Sen., I'm sure he wants to get re-elected and doesn't want to piss off the big-money backers. It's all about the politics. Contributions.....preparing for an emergency, contributions........preparing for an emergency, contributions..................emergency? What emergency?
Grease my pocket and I will speak what you want me to say to...... like a robot (beep) like a robot (beep)

Grease sounds ugly so let's be politically correct and say "campaign contributions"
I am really getting sick and tired of Senator Reid sticking his nose into things that he just needs to stay out of. This training is going to be a great training tool, and we need it. we should have more training like this so that we are prepared and were not caught with our pants down. VOTE FOR ANYONE "BUTT" HARRY REID!
I agree with Senator lets just cancel all the training for these type of situations because everyone knows that a national level security threat can NEVER happen on U.S. soil well except of course for Pearl Harbor oh yeah and 9-11 and then I guess you could consider Oklahoma City ...... Good call Senator glad you are looking out for us!
Stupid...just plain stupid!...I know let's have another friggin table-top
The senator is so worried it will hurt the economy in southern Nevada. Ok, simple. Open the training up to all firefighters/EMS/OEM's, across the country and we will fill every hotel room in and outside if Vegas. Have Clark County sponser in with LVFD, and have a small registration fee, and put that money back into the grants and programs for training us. No money lost, just what we loose in the casino's, and get good federal training out if it. I think it would be a winner for everyone from all points of the country to learn a training like this.
That makes too much sense and if America hasn't figured it out yet, Harry Reid has lost leave of any sense; most notably, common sense.

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