Hello one and all...I tried to do a search and couldn't find squat...I have been "volunteered" by my Chief to help with the Color Guard for our parades and "special" functions...The basics aren't hard to find like number of members and positions of flags and the protocols....BUT...Our Department has in the past used rifles in the color guard unit and many wanted to use highly polished fire axes....some say it has to be a weapon...others say axes are acceptable.....OK...see my problem....anyone know where I can get something; preferably in writting clarifying this...?  Not sure where to go to next, hopefully someone here has experience in this area....Thanks in advance.....Paul

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I always had a hard time in KS with the flags. (8 years Army)

The majority of fire departments in the US use polished axes in lieu of firearms like the Los Angeles City FD.

Some fire departments, like the Boston FD use firearms as a part of their color guard instead of fire axes.

You can certainly see some departments carrying firearms in lieu of a polished fire axe. Believe it or not, they actually have academies for both police and fire department color guards. Here's an excerpt from one such academy:

Firefighters have a different manual of arms. Typically, they carry polished axes or pike poles instead of rifles. Instead of a hearse, a firefighter's casket may ride on a fire engine. This detail requires about 14 people instead of the traditional eight needed to move a casket in and out of a hearse, says Smith. Students practice placing a casket on top of a the engine using steps and ramps. Instead of a gun salute, tribute often is paid with the ringing of a bell during a final alarm or bell ceremony, signifying a firefighter has gone home for the final time. At the end of a graveside service, when police officers might lay carnations on the casket, firefighters might pass by the casket to each ring a bell once as they leave. Click here for the compete article from Fire Chief magazine...

If you do a google search on fire department color guards, you will note that those electing to use fire arms are either associated in some way with law enforcement or are the minority compared to the majority of fire departments who prefer to use the tools of their trade... This sure sounds like one of those no win situations... My personal opinion is that we are in no way associated with firearms... not unless it's one of the swat fire medics or maybe an arson investigator, but guns? I go along with using the tools of our trade.
Now that's funny!
Just my thoughts....why would we carry a rifle, aren't we supposed to be the good guys and save people!

Please be safe and remember to drive sensibly to the fire station or any call!
Ours or theirs...? (army) LOL
Agreed...but since when did common sense ever dictate proper practice...?? LOL
I'm afraid that as much as I'd like to help Paul even if I found something in writing ,which I didn't, it would pertain to Canada. How ever I can tell you that all of the honour guards in this area use the famous polished axes too! So I submit that you are probably on solid ground when your department displays the axes
US flag is ALAWYS on its right........and is never dipped....if it has an eagle on its staff then the eagle ALWAYS faces front
Chief...thanks any help would be greatly appreciated...I also have to get them organized for parades....I don't have a clue...LOL I believe The Colors and Color Guards lead the Department then followed with a 10 foot interval by the Department Banner..then 10 feet and Chief of the Department 10 feet and the Asst Chiefs....10 feet and the rank and file members of the Department.....Please let me know if I am in the right ballpark.....Thanks........(I don't know how I get these details.....LOL) Paul
I would like to thank one and all for the assistance in my delemma....Came out smelling like a rose...the team took honors at local and county levels.....thanks again....stay safe....keep the faith........
We dont fight fires with guns, we always carry polished axes
You don't fight fires with axes either....why not carry hoses...? LOL

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