April 7, 2010


Manchester Firefighters (Ontario County) responded early this morning for a multi vehicle mva with injuries on the NYS Thruway. Finger Lakes Ambulance was on location with a three vehicle mva with 13 injuries. Command requested numerous ambulances from all over the County and three Mercy Flight Helicopters from Canandaigua, Batavia and Buffalo. Apparently a dump truck hit a bridge causing its load to spill which in turn caused two more vehicles to crash. A total of 17 patients were transported with two being critical. The Thruway eastbound is shut down at this time for the investigation. The cause of the accident is under investigation.

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Do you understand what "Mass Casualty" is Davin?

Next time try using a dictionary, you just might learn something.
I think this does qualify as a "Mass Casualty" incident. They transported 17 patients with three helicopters responding. In my area at least, transporting 17 patients is not an everyday experience.

from http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/casualty

Main Entry: ca·su·al·ty
Pronunciation: \ˈka-zhəl-tē, ˈkazh-wəl-, ˈka-zhə-wəl-\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural ca·su·al·ties
Date: 15th century

1 archaic : chance, fortune
2 : serious or fatal accident : disaster
3 a : a military person lost through death, wounds, injury, sickness, internment, or capture or through being missing in action b : a person or thing injured, lost, or destroyed : victim
I would agree that this would qualify as a mass casuality incident. 17 patients would swamp most smaller emergency rooms and even in big city er's they would have a hard time finding 17 beds in one whack. I hope the dump truck driver got in a lot of trouble for that. If not I would like to know how he got out of it.
Yes Joeseph, 17 is a high load of patients and would require multiple Mutual aid resources in my area as well. My point being look at original poster's spelling of Casualty.

cau·sal·i·ty   /kɔˈzælɪti/ [kaw-zal-i-tee]
1.the relation of cause and effect: The result is the same, however differently the causality is interpreted.
2.causal quality or agency.

Different No?

Davin no disrespect intended but leave the news to the FFN Web Team. If it was your call, or you were there and snapped a couple of pictures to share and discuss, fine. As a Jr. Firefighter check out the forums here and learn from them. The "Ten Minutes in the Street" posts are great to look at and actually READ all of the replies to see what really needs to be considered if you were ever faced with such a situation.

When the tones drop and the heat is on, no one will care how many points you have or how many discussions you started; Mom and Dad just want to know if you can find their trapped little girl...
The definiton of Mass Causality is (number of ambualncesX2)+1. The number of ambulances is the amount you can get in a 15 min period. So I do not know how many ambulances they could get in a 15 min period but in my area that is a Mass Causality.
The dump truck driver is not getting charged for anything. Just a few tickets for Human Error. He forgot to lock down the udmp part. Turck started to bounce or air got up undernieth the dump part and lifted it which then slammed into a bridge.
Please don't shoot the messenger here. I was once again asked to put this story up. And now I'm being shoved under the bus. Yes, I believe it was a mass casualty incident because of the # of people that were involved and how much equiptment was used. The word CASUALTY doesnt always mean death.

The word CASUALTY doesnt always mean death.

cau·sal·i·ty   /kɔˈzælɪti/ [kaw-zal-i-tee]
1.the relation of cause and effect: The result is the same, however differently the causality is interpreted.
2.causal quality or agency.

Davin.....take a look at the post topic and how you spelled casualty.....you spelled it as causality....a completely different word and definition than casualty and that is what Paul is referring to.
A MCI (Mass Casualty Incident) is any incident with a number of patients that exceeds the ability of the local emergency services to quickly triage, treat, and transport them.

If you are in a remote area and only have two ambulances, then 5 patients is a MCI for you, as Batman describes.

If there is a high percentage of Red Tag (critical) or Contaminated patients, then even 3 or 4 patients might be a MCI in a small, isolated system.
Now I see. Thank you for the correction John. That's how it was spelled when it was email to me. I'm sorry for that.
Thanks Lindsay.
No matter what EMS service anybody is, this would have overwhelmed them.

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