Hello friends,

   I serve on a small volunteer department with an even smaller budget. We currently have the Bullard Firedom UST traditional helmets. No one on the department like these helmets due to the weight of them. We are looking to either trade or purchase used helmets. Any ideas were to do this?  Thanks in advance for all your help.

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Larger departments do not issue used equipment to new firefighters. The helmets turned in by retiring firefighters live somewhere... the question is, can you find them. Once you do, then you will be ahead of fire academies that also are on the lookout for donated PPE, including helmets. This should help you or others here on the FFN meet your goals with the least amount of effort, or at least, I sure hope this helps!

Merry Christmas and hope you get a ton of PPE!

Sell them on EBAY.
Big audience on there.
I am in charge of PPE for my department. I have discussed the situation with my Chief and he advised me to pursue it.
Relax he never even said they were brand new helmets. He was just asking where to find used helmets.

Personally, I have no idea. I work for a large urban city so we were issued two new helmets when we started.

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