As we all know things are different now than they were back in the day when it comes to the fire service.  Even for myself, with having 16 years in the volunteer world things have changed dramatically.  One of those things that scares me is training.  I feel as though our training has been reduced in effectiveness to meet the level of what todays firefighters are willing to spend time learning/practicing.


Now this could just be me because I have met some superb volunteers who just live to train.  God bless 'em.  They know their craft and still practice the hell out of it.  Basic or advanced they train like it's the real thing every time.


So I recently borrowed a neighboring department's forcible entry prop and had a drill strictly on forcing doors, inward and outward.  It was a good drill, good hands on skills and pretty basic, however it still gave the good hands on experience needed to learn many things.  I'm hoping a few people learned some things.


So now I'm looking to my next training goal.  I have the basics to go through like preplanning, ladders, hydrants, etc.  But I'm looking for something we can do inside and inhouse. 


I know there's plenty of people out there with great ideas, just hoping to maybe here something I might be missing to get some people more interested and have more fun at drill.


Thanks in advance.

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If you want inside, you could do class room followed by hands-on bunker gear training.  Have a discussion of why it is so important to use all gear (including breathing apparatus when needed) on calls (especially fires) to prevent something from happening (someone getting burned or smoke inhilation).  Also you could show some videos to help enforce that training.  Than when classroom portion completed, have the personnel do drills to demonstrate that they know how to properly gear up and use it.  Some day it may help having this reviewed.  Goal: Everyone goes home from every call safe and uninjured.


 What I do during extreme hot/cold training nights is pick a structure or area within our district, print off overhead satelite pictures (Google Earth), and let a person be IC for that mock incident.

It makes for good roundtable discussions and great pre-planning.

1. Nearest water supply

2. Response time for nearest 2nd due.

3. Exposures

4. HAZMAT incident considerations

Thanks for your willingness to stay sharp.

Keep serving brother.

in the winter here we go through knots and ropes can be done inside out of the elements,hose lays on trucks,two minute drill with turnout gear,smoking out the bays for a good building search,you could try these
ive built a 4' x 4' wall with a pice of conduet pipe so my ff have to breeach it then try to get threw it...also built an entnglement device just out of 2 8' 2x4 and some rope prop it up between two tables and watch and laugh as the new ff try to get threw.....there are some photos on my profle not great ones but you might get the idea
Mongo there Are lots of training I deals out there, but here I would be forever talking about it.  Shoot me a email and I will give a few good ideas.  Also let me know what ur looking for.  I'm well qualified as for I'm my stations training officer and also an instructor.
The best training class I was part of was a full on mayday drill. This was setup in one of our bays with no extra equipment apart from what we normally use. We bunkered up exactly how we would go internal. A course was setup with the hose overlapping, under tables and chairs and generally fubared. Our masks were blacked out sp we couldn't see and walked around to disorient us. We were then given a nozzle and told we are in a structure the worse has happened now get the hell out. So, we started following the hoseline out, and about half way through an instructor blocked our way and at one point sat on me to act like a wall had fallen. A mayday has to be called at this point using LUNAR and RIT would come in for rescue. Out of all my training that was definetly the most intense and it really struck home the importance of mayday training under pressure.

sorry if it is a little long, but I hope it gives you an idea.
Thanks John.  I try to do my best, I love to train and learn, esp. hands on.  It gets no better than that.  I've been told by people that it's not nesc. to go "that far" with props and hands on stuff.  I can't imagine any other way.  Normally people blow off some of my ideas and say, we can just go to the fire school and do that any night.  My answer is yes we can but we won't.  I just got to keep on pushing.  Thanks for the responses.

One of the first drills I ran as a training officer on my #2 POC FD was a hose advancement drill.  A team of 3 started at the front of one engine and had to advance the line to the rear of the rig, go across the back, then back to the front, across the front of the next engine, down the side and all the way to the back door of the station.


This drill taught teamwork, how to move hose around multiple corners, stockpiling hose at corners, and communicating amongst crew members.  All necessary to get the task done.  By the way the line was charged.


Another drill I set up was a restricted passage drill.  I built a section of wall using scrap plywood and 2x4's.  the section is 4 feet wide and 4 feet tall with a section cut out that is the width of the channel between 2 studs (14 3/4 inches) and 20 inches high.  The drill is to have firefighters in full PPE and SCBA make it through the opening.  Obviously, removing the SCBA from their pack yet maintaining the seal and control of the SCBA while passing through is a crucial element of this. 



It sounds like you have a fun group that is willing to try anything. The most fun

we've had while training at the same time was to make a 100 foot ring of charged

2 1/2 line and place an old bowling ball at the center with a three man hose team on each side trying to push the ball onto the others side. Make sure you have that third man to keep the hose slack out of the way because it involves a lot of fast moving.

It is challenging to continually come up with creative drills but when it becomes expected then attendance is never a problem so it is worth it. Never thought of

dodgeball. Thanks.

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