We all have those calls that make us laugh or make us wanna slap the sense back into someone...both on the fire side and ems so lets here em.....come on dispatchers you have to have some of the best...lol.

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Oh my I have so many were do I start... 19 y/o 911 call...onscene infected hang nail...and yep rode the orange and white taxi to the hospital.
20 y/o 911 call...onscene pain in ear from having it pierced. neg.trans.
Reported structure fire.....lay in to the resident pull 200ft 1-3/4 to the rear.....guys gals watching college football on back deck grillin hamburgers.
Service call cat crawled in engine compartment of car......
Medical call man slumped over in engine compartment....yeah he was he was replacing the alternator.....
Older lady called cause she took a "Laxative" and now is crapping !!!!
3 a.m. frequent flyer....We knock on the door and she responds.... who is it....you just had to be with us and see the look on the crews face.
Not my call but check this out....full blown wedding reception groom's ring gets stuck on the wrong finger or something and they call 911 to get the medics to cut the ring of at the ceramony.
If I take a cab I'll have to pay for it but if I ride the ambulance...I don't have to pay a dime.
Oh honey I won't pay a dime for this ride I have the Gold Card ( medicare card )
Medical call.....1 viagra is good...2 viagra not.....rolled in ER with his flag pole at full mast....
medical call...nursing home code in progress ....arrive to find em pumping away...said they were just talking to them a few minutes ago but you can pick em up off the bed by there big toe because of the rig that has set in.....

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