This is a building that most of us have in our jurisdictions somewhere. Let's discuss and debate.

What can we determine by just pulling up to the building about the occupancy type?
From this side, where is the hallway and possible stairs location?
What can say about the fire and any extension?
Where do we need to place the primary concern for life safety?
Where are you going to place your first attack lines and additional lines after that?
Are there any other concerns or issues we need to think about that haven't been asked here?
Have fun and get your crew involved. Post your comments so everyone can see all of the great ideas out there. As always, stay safe and be careful.

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What can we determine by just pulling up to the building about the occupancy type?

Type III construction, high occupancy residential. Singles, college kids, small families, older folks.

From this side, where is the hallway and possible stairs location?

On the second and third floors it appears there may be two sets of hallways, running from left to right in the picture, and also from the foreground to the rear of the picture. On the first/ground floor there doesn't appear to be any hallways, just entrances directly into the apartments. The main entry stairwells are located on the right side of the picture. There may also be secondary, less used, stairwells on the left side of the picture behind the building.

What can say about the fire and any extension?

This fire is spreading. I can deduct this answer due to the brown acrid smoke pushing from the top right side of the picture.

Where do we need to place the primary concern for life safety?

Primary concern for immediate life safety is the third floor, front/foreground half of the apartment from the picture shown.

Where are you going to place your first attack lines and additional lines after that?

First two attack lines are going right up to the third floor through the main stairwell pictured in the right side of the photograph. Back-up line will go up the main stairwell as well, if there is a secondary stairwell behind the building on the left, one will go there as well. I will also place a 2 1/2 line outside, in the foreground of the picture, for a quick transitional, just in case.

Are there any other concerns or issues we need to think about that haven't been asked here?

I feel vertical/roof ventilation would work very well in this instance, get a truck company to the roof asap, working from the left side of the picture, placing the vent hole just to the left of the fire, approximately 6 to 8 feet back from the roof line. PPV could very well spell disaster in this type of fire, initially. I would use it however, to clear the rest of the building once the fire is knocked down.
Bump. Is this an acceptable bump? Is this bump allowed by the powers that be?
Maybe we can have some juniors weigh in an opinion to help with learning and such, instead of being on a scene.
I have to agree with Doug's size up at this fire. I would add that you may want to consider an additional alarm or two, due to the amount of smoke in the eaves of this structure. Notice on the "D" side, if "A" is the fire side, the amount of smoke "pushing" from the spaces in the brick facings? That is letting you know that the fire is well-seated, and the velocity is high and the fire will be large and hard fought. You may also want to get large amounts of ground ladders placed around this structure to help with victim removal and FF egress. Note on the second floor "A/B" corner window, appears to be alot darker than some others, may indicate fire intrusion to that floor also. Probably has a common attic/cockloft-reason for high amount of smoke to the eaves? Well, Lt.'s .02 cents worth-Stay Safe, Stay Low. God Bless You All !
Looks like a room or maybe two off. 1.75" First two engines join up and stretch the line to the hallway. First truck splits, Officer and irons to the fire apartment, force the door, beging the search. Ladder the exterior and vent, get the roof over the fire apartment. Continue the search working closest fire to least exposed. Of course, control utilities, and stretch back-up line, RIC yada yada yada, etc.

Pretty standard.

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