I have been watching some of the postings on here by the less than literate junior members lately. I have also seen some of the "I want to be a firefighter types" post some ridiculous things on here. These discussions inevitably turn into the "learn to spell" or "shut-up and learn" conversations. I am not saying I have not participated in them either. But, is there some way to limit the posting capabilities of members? What if the junior members were only able to post in the junior area? Or, what if they were not allowed on here at all? I am sure that they can figure out a way to get around any sort of age requirement for membership, they are a little smarter than that. But, if they start posting immature crap, turn off their capability to post at all. They can still learn an awful lot with a read-only account.

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I have read posts by adults that were comletely pointless. Many adults have made comments that could easily be corrected by a two year old somaybe they just need a post for "idiots only". Moving on to a new subject, why is it that a few of the "immature adults" on this website seem to look down on the jr's?
Nick, that "a few of the "immature adults" on this website seem to look down on the jr's?" may be partially true, but the bigger question is, why do so many of the juniors seem to think that they are entitled to the same....well, everything that an adult firefighter is entitled to? And why do they think that they have the right to be disrespectful to adults?

Also, to your statement, "Many adults have made comments that could easily be corrected by a two year old ", I accept that as intended hyperbole, those adults of whom you speak obviously started out exactly like so many of the junior posters in here, which is why so many of us constantly harp about poor spelling and grammar.

Finally, to the crux of the issue, "a post for "idiots only". " Who would be the arbiter of membership? I suspect that the WC/WT lack the time for that kind of vetting. Perhaps a 12th grade spelling test, those that fail it are consigned to the 'idiots only' section? Better yet, only those that pass are allowed to be members in FFN.
Jack Im not sure I could pass that, lol.
I agree totally....there should be a place for Jrs. to post and they should stay there and chat quietly among themselves....maybe they could impress other Jrs. with their "skills" and the rubbish they try to deal out....
Loyd, we'll make a available a tutoring service for those who are both over 18 and actual firefighters. A note from mom won't be sufficient.

The option of having this site offer a separate "Junior's Only Section" is a good idea. There is no way to limit who the FFN allows to be online due to the social side of the site, which as far as I can see takes up most of the posts. It would be interesting to see the demographics on who uses the site, age range, whether they are or are not firefighters verses juniors, verses young kids who are trying to live a dream.

For what it worth, I have intentionally created a couple of posts recently that were rock solid topics dealing with firefighting issues such as anhydrous ammonia and LPG gas incidents. And guess what? No one really commented on the posts but some of the folks who I know as "real" firefighters. No juniors, no wannabes', no one...

This tells me that the bantering that accompanies the juniors posts and subject matter is total crap. This is just another extension of facebook for many of these children, who in some cases are merely posers...

There is no way for the FFN folks to police this type of issue and to be honest who cares... The first amendment for those US Citizens out there guarantee freedom of speech. You ever notice that some of these posts that are utter garbage originate 100% of the time from good ol' homegrown USA citizens? Not a good example of our young folks out there... You just have to gleam through the posts to get into some good topics.

Another side note is that the FFN site sponsor, Fire Rescue Magazine ties up 50% of the post discussion topics. Not sure why they do this but if it's to get their logo posted, why not just include the FFN Logo with the magazine logo, do away with the myriad of incident related posts that take up half of the topic posts. This would leave room for real posts from real firefighters...

Just kidding, unless there is a change in the way FFN is set up, the more room you make will give you that many more nonsense posts about helmet color, fire truck color, can I spend the night at the fire station, can I handle the trauma type of posts that are repeated over and over and over and over... Still baffles me to think that someone would not first take the time to research prior posts, see if there questions are answered and then, and only if they can not find the answer would they post a question on FFN.

Is this too simple a concept? What a post tells me is that someone was just too lazy to do the work. Not the type of firefighter that will get hired in the long run by the larger, better paying departments...

Not to digress here but understanding the importance of a products specific gravity is REALLY important when coming up with a plan game plan on how to mitigate the situation. I mention this because I think it's important to let the Juniors who read this post understand the tremendous importance of not only going to school but working your ass off to understand what is being taught.

In our case, as firefighters, it may mean the difference between life and death for you, your crew or the public you serve. The the complexity of things in general these days, the fire service only has room for the A students. Anything less is totally unacceptable. This is why the starting pay for these young firefighters in Southern California is around 80K a year for 10-days a month. This does not include benefits or overtime. And all of these individuals are at the top of the employment / success food chain when it comes time to comparing these young men and women to other folks in the current job market.

Bottom Line: A Junior's Only Section would be VERY appropriate, or at least the option of having Junior's go there...
Capt. Busy, I agree that that would be an excellent idea, a junior's only ffn site, registered as a junior, with no crossover into the main (adult) site), other than they could read posts like anyone else who visits the site.

If there were a junior site they could post all the nonsense they want and the WC could sell space to sponsors for acne creams, 6 flags and any other age appropriate venue. Maybe even have them sign up through a parent with a credit card for age verification. Any number of ways.

FYI I did read your posts on anhydrous ammonia and LPG gas incidents. As it is, we respond regularly (and recently a lot) to gas leaks at homes and businesses, and there is a site in town that has large quantities of NH3 so it's something that we are very much aware of.
And perhaps a clarification is in order. For anyone, juniors or otherwise, that have been barked at for poor spelling or grammer. It's not about the spelling or grammer. It is about attention to detail. It may not seem like much, but if your approach to posting here is lazy and sloppy, how many other areas of your job will you approach the same way?

At least that's the way I see it!


Reg, I too have pointed out that very same thing. Failure to pay attention to detail in here, where one's posting is the only way for anyone to "know" someone almost guaranty's that they will be taking shortcuts on the job. I mean, it's not like the hose HAS to packed that way, does it?
You hit the nail on the head. The posts here are the first impression we get of the poster. How they spell and form sentences will set the tone of how we perceive them and respond. In anything you do you should do to the best of your ability and take pride in your professionalism.

"FYI I did read your posts on anhydrous ammonia and LPG gas incidents."

Jack, You made my point so eloquently . No comments from Junior's trying to learn about our trade and job skills, only professional firefighter's such as yourself. Which by the way is what I originally thought the FFN was all about. I also think that this 'real firefighters talking to real firefighters' image is what the owner's of the site are counting on to enhance readership and dollars. To have someone actually take the time to look at this site and see some of the dumbed down posts... well, there's been better days in the past already. I hope 2010 brings more responsible posts that are submitted by adults over the age of 18. To be honest, with some of the subject matter potential, wouldn't it be more appropriate for the site to require the member to be over the age of 18? Just a thought.

Have a happy and safe new year my friend.

This is a universal opinion Reg. Your way 'down under' in Australia, possibly in the bush, possibly surrounded by killer kangaroo's and wallaby's and still, you have concern for paying attention to detail because as you and I and the other 'real firefighters' know, your life may depend on it...

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