You've arrived at a Single family residential, there appears to be a "pretty good" working fire located within the garage..but its extending due to a strong wind and the fire loading within the garage. As you can see from the aerial views, this house is located within a fairly dense and common subdivision. All the structures are wood frame, some have asphalt architectural shingles, others have wood shakes. There's a hydrant right in front on the Alpha side. ( Cops just moved their patrol car from the front of it).

So....How big of a problem do you have?

What can you expect in the way of safety concerns related to typical garage fires? ie fire loading, products, materials, exposures, hazards etc. In this incident what does your risk profiling tell you?
Strategy, tactics....take your pick; what are the issues and how are you going to address them?
Logistics...What'll happen if the fire communicates to the Delta exposure and takes command of that structure?

Let's hear about insights on command management, engine ops, truck ops and rescue make the call.

Lastly... What are the "BIG" picture issues confronting you, IF you can't control the fire to the house of origin and the fire rapidly extends to other exposures ( three or more adjacent structures..due to wind driven fire and your lack of getting ahead of the fire progress tactically) Again, look at the aerial images..what are the operational and safety considerations?

UPDATE: CHECK THE POSTINGS STARTING ON THREAD PAGE FIVE...THE FIRE HAS NOW EXTENDED..."hope you're calling in some additional alarms...."

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The only place the fire will be pushed is out the back of the garage. And I surely would not flow the master stream while firefighters were making an interior attack.
I didnt say anything about pushing the fire.
Your welcome, and thanks...
Have a safe and Happy New Year.

 First in Engine pulls 1" 3/4 line. Goes at fire in garage, first Truck & second in Engine. Go in house Truck does search pulls ceiling while engine co. puts out any fire that has communicated from the Garage. 

  3rd in Engine co. can help attack with fire in garage if any is left. 2nd in Truck can help with over haul. 

 Send a crew into D side structure to check for any extension. 

   Even though it looks like you need a 2"1/2 with big water. A 1"3/4 will knock out plenty of fire. We get these garage fires often in my area. 97% of the time there'n arson fire. Luckily most of the time it is a detached or it is a vacant home. 

I would want a team inside the house right off the bat to ensure door between house and garage is closed and intact. Entry would have to be via rear. They would then need to begin a primary search of house. I would not commit first line to interior of house unless inside team discovered fire extending into house. A handline from driveway would knock down this fire prety quickly. I'd prefer a 2 1/2 due mostly to reach of stream. This would help reduce hazards of typical garage contents fire by keeping nozzle team further away. A straight stream does not push fire. If the picture above represents what we see on arrival, the house on "D" side is not an immediate concern. Quick knockdown of main body of fire would be best way to protect that exposure. Aside from that, just wet it down. After fire is knocked down, attic would have to be opened and checked for extension. I would access it via inside of garage; ceiling is already destroyed. Putting firefighters on roof of lightweight construction that may have been compromised by fire is not worth the collapse risk.

 John, why would your Truck crew go  to the rear to gain entry? 

 We go through the front door more time than not. 

  1. Victims are more likely to be near the front door or along a path leading to it.

   2. The line can go strait to the fire.

   3. Going into the rear is a hassle more times than not.  Fence,Dogs, no back door( it's been boarded up and a room added, there's a fridge,stove and freezer chained against it or It is there but it is actualy a seperate apartment. etc.

I agree that there could be obstacles in going to the rear. Not sure where exactly the front door is on this house. Most likely obstructed by fire to some extent.Waiting for water could also cause delay. Not a big deal to me either way.

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