In the vollie service we know what happenes when the leaves start to turn colors. Members you haven't seen all year start coming around. Officers start showing up for fires and scheduling training classes. The President orders pizza more often...just to say thanks. The old timers show up to meetings. Why, ELECTION TIME. Yes election time, Response time goes from 7 mins to 4 mins. The fire house is cleaner, The officers are nicer. People get pulled to the side more often and cabals are formed to overthrow the current administartion. I love this time of year....NOT.


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derek - rotflmao

we women pay good $$$$$$4 to miss periods........................
Paul - rotflmao

.................................. and WE want them to.......!!!!
sounds like a plan
Gearing up for chimeny fires, candle fires, kitchen fires, and christmas tree fires...... What a lovely time of the year....
I have to say just because the person is experianced and highly trained doesnt mean that they are the right person for the job they might have book smart but common sence might be lacking as well as managerial skills. Sometimes no matter what your in a no win situation when it comes to officers.

As it is, there is no perfect system out there. You can have the book smart, common sense deprived in roles, whereas you can have highly experienced with poor managerial skills. A straight seniority system is not perfect, but there aren't issues of test fraud or biased. Testing systems aren't perfect because again you can get the book smart ones in. Even the military has testing with seniority and even that isn't perfect.

However, despite the inperfections of many of such systems, what they don't bring out is a popularity type of contest in which voting for positions does. Yeah it is easier to remove those who don't really know the job or people don't agree with the leadership, but that does nothing to really fix the problem. I can't agree with a system where officers are elected, despite imperfections in other systems, they aren't a popularity contest either.
yes, some one posted the date my daughter one a few weeks ago on here

my guess is that the only reason he knows about the whiner form - is because he has filled it out a few times

And Paul - will you even still be alive in 20 years - aren't you a relic?

And according to your prior post, you are wanting to die early... to avoid those women ;-)
For sure Heather...but I can still hold my own with the youngsters. As for the women comment..well if it has boobs or tires it will eventually cause you trouble LOL
just be glad you get to take a break from the boobs... we women don't get a break from the trouble it brings...

then again... the fun can seriously out weigh the trouble... sometimes ;-)
which makes it all worth it...

~~~ and ya gotta admit, that whiner form would be useful for LOTS of people we know ~~~
Oh, without a doubt, I know a few that I would give it to. Just a couple effin' rays of sunshine. LOL

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