I work at a small town volunteer F.D. pop approx 500. I am looking to make a tornado disaster plan and would like to know if there's anyone out there from a similar sized town who would be willing to share theirs for me to base mine off of. Things such as an emergency shelter location, chain of command, order of procedures, search patterns and marking system, etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thank you in advance.

phillip at hntnfshn247@yahoo.com

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Our small town USA disaster plan c
Consists of using churches as emergency shelters as well as the firehouse. We have county agencies that would take control of the S.A.R so our responsibilities would be more focused on evacuating survivors.

Once the county agencies arrive, we would transfer into a S.A.R team be assigned a area and conduct a primary search. mark each house with one diagonal stripe of highway paint.

When the secondary search is conducted another stripe is added making a X indicating all clear. The county would also be in charge of establishing a triage area for mass wounded.

My o2 ;)

One person is not going to be able to formulate a plan that everyone will buy into.

Are you just wanting one for your department? If so, you need to get with your Chiefs/Officers and coordinate according to how your department operates. If you are looking for a community wide plan, then you need to have the governing body of your town, law enforcement officials, your department heads, public works, schools, hospitals etc. They will be the ones to fight it out for a year or so. There will be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth, before a consensus will be reached.  We did this in my home town many years ago. It took over a year of the a fore-mentioned "discussion" before the first draft was ready. Then a practice drill was planned and executed. Total failure. Another 6 months of tweaking. The bottom line is, it is going to take a concentrated effort by everyone involved to get it implemented, and every drill will show the plans shortcomings. What looks good on paper doesn't necessarily play well in the real world.

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