Have you applied for a FIRE Act grant?
Were you successful?
What did you apply for? Fire truck, PPE, training?
If you were not awarded a grant, what do you think was the reason?
Should this be a competitive grant process or one that should be for the needy?
Should this program continue? Why?
Should it be discontinued? Why?
If you could change anything about FIRE Act, what would it be?

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My department is batting 500. We applied twice, and received one, to update our outdated SCBA. I wrote both proposals. The first was dictated by the Asst. Chief, which was for several different items. I know this one was denied for appearing to be greedy. The second one which was approved in the first round, was item specific.

While not exclusive to my department, in the near future, the use of grants will allow some 34 different volunteer departments in the county to have the same electronic accountability program in place, which would not have been possible before.

I fail to see how the process could be anything but a competitive grant. "Needy" is subject to interpretation. Every department in this country is "needy" in one way or another, some way more than others.

Based in part on the current economy, this program will continue to be necessary, although there might have to be some streamlining and perhaps a cap on amounts which are available to a single department, or entity.
In part the act is getting to it's intended goal of having first response agency's having the equipment they need to do their jobs. Is there abuse of the program? Yes there is. Are some departments not getting the equipment they need , because of not filling the grant out correctly or not showing that they need the equipment. Yes. At my department we have not been sucessful only 3 times since the program started. What have we gotten the other time.

New Air Packs
5" Hose for all front run trucks
New Turnout Gear
Cascade System for HQ station and Rescue Truck
Brush/First Responder Truck
Air Pack Upgrades

This year we hope to get a couple of Thermal Cameras. While some departments have had success submitting the grant on their own,we have found that using an outside source works for us.
Trucks everytime
Don't know, our apparatus is still considered Class A (frontline) and is not due to go out until this year so that may be why we were denied.
It is already competitive. Needy is a matter of opinion
DEFINATLY!!!!!!!!! Their are many needs that have not been meet and not just at my dept
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See previous answer
Review process. Also it seems that year after year some of the same depts are awarded large sums of money and that could be changed. Maybe a waiting period for grant money so other depts would have a better shot at getting approved for much needed equip.
Yes we've applied for the FireACT grant 4 times
Successful 3 times, still waiting to hear on the 4th
1. Turnout Gear
2. Cascade System
3. Plymovent (Waste of FireACT $$ in my opinion. I was asked at the time & voted to apply for TIC & multigas detectors)
4. Aerial (we are waiting to hear on this one)
5. We are batting 1000 thus far
6. I see dept's not get awarded that are in more of a need they ones that are getting awarded so yes the system isn't perfect. Perfect example, we got Plymovent!?!?!
7. Yes this is a great program and should continue. More money is getting to local depts than the old system of the money going to the states.
8. If I could change the FireACT grant, I would outline specifically what depts could apply for. This would remove some of the waste imo. And I would simplify it somewhat, example here is a dept that is requesting $ to purchase the new improved widget. While this other dept is requesting airpacks, they currently don't have any. Of course the dept without SCBA's would get approved. And yes I've seen this happen. I've seen depts that may only protect 200 some odd people and that are not tax based but membership based get turned down for SCBA's due to their grant being written bad.

Really, really how can you write a bad grant in that situation. "We are a volunteer dept that protects a rural setting with a population of 200. The department is membership based and our annual budget for the previous year was $2,500. We ran 115 calls last year. Currently we do not have any SCBA's and request X amount of $ to purchase X amount of SCBA's."

That is all that needs to be said. In fact imo all your grant should have to say is "We Have NO SCBA's!" And you get bumped to the front of the line automatically!
I think everyone took the summer off.
I have seen it over the years.
Crappy weather; boo koo discussions.
Sunny and hot; too nice to be inside on the computer.
Or they just do give a rat's patoot.
Yes we have applied for a grant.
So far we're below average. Got a grant to replace a tanker truck, only to find out we didn't ask for enough funds.
Applied for grants to replace our second and third out engine. The second engine is an 87 Hahn which spends more time getting fixed than actually on the road. The third out engine only has room for two and is a 79 Ford Bronco which is not NFPA compliant. The grants that were written to replace the engines were poorly written so this time we took it appart and spruced it up.

I think the program should be continued. It helps rural fire departments replace gear and equipment that is vastly outdated and unsafe.

If I could change anything it would be having to answer the numerous questions to apply and submit the grant. It should be simple. What does the department need and why does it need it.

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