we got rid af the last chief for not geeting the job done...ie....no training no meetings no acountability..no equipment and lack of give a shit for the job..our new chief is starting to go the same route..i mentioned hosting a county wide training for interior attacks..scba boot camp....ff safety and survival...and he just rolled his eyes and said no we dont need to waste time on that..we are not that busy..wich he is right..we are not that busy but it only takes one fire to kill a firefighter..plus he doesnt have our back...he doesnt have the balls to stand up for us ..what do we do..i have been to the city council over it..they said "if you dont like it quit" no one is making you do this it is a vollunteer dept..plus i am the only ff that has a full set of gear..i bought it myself..and yes it was damn expencive..but i love this town and i love this job but i am tired of getting turned down and ran over bout to the point of throwing in the towel...
Okay, now that i know the specifics of your wsituation here are some ideas.
Just to give you a perspective I work for a descent sized combo department but volunteer for a small rural VFD with 5 stations doing about 100 runs a year, and very few fires in a community of about 3000. We currently are operating with about 12 active members. We did have more, but the previous Chief made a descion last year to enforce the current training standards and actually add some additional requirements. he then got rid of those that decided that they didn't want to get with the program, and yes, we all agreed with it and it has worked out for us in that even though we have fewer folks, the folks we have are better trained and we operate much better on the firground.
As far as your situation, staffing a VFD in a community of 180 is quite a challenege, and honestly, you will be lucky to get 10 folks that are willing to put the time in to train to be effective. In addition, working with a budget of $5,000 in today's world is , well ... almost impossible, especially when a turnout coat and panys will run you $1200.
You have quite a challenge.
Here are my suggestions for you as the training officer. First, develop a reasonable, realistic plan of what you want to accomplish, as a training officer within the first 6 months. Develop a set of realsitic training expecatations, and remember, keep them realistic. Develop a drill schedule that will ease the department into a regular training ryhtym, which it currently sounds like you do not have. Then develop a long-range vision of where you want your current members to be one year from now.
Develop a training plan for any new members you may pick up. List the basic skills you want them to train on and again, write down a vision of where you want new members to be 6 months and one-year from the time they come on.
As far as recruiting, it won't be easy in a town and a recruiting base that small, especially if the commun ity views the department in the negative light your posts seem to indicate. Right now, I would say focus on doing what you need to do internally to clean things up, then, after you have started to get that in order in a couple of months, begin to focus on recruiting.
I have to agree here with John, if your not willing to step up, dont expect anyone else to do it. And dont complain about it. You have to lead by example....but....thats just my opinion !!!!
thanks russ..i really apprieciate it
thanks...i am pretty new to a "city" fire dept..i did a lot of wildfire type firefighting in california before i moved out here....wow what a difference..the stuff you need to do ...know...i have been trying to make every training oppertunity i come acroos..most of the expence comes out of my pocket..to lessen the burden on the dept....i am hopeing to get my ff1 and persue this as far as i can...i just get down..thinking..and knowing i am the only one who cares at this level...i am tired of our dept beeing called basement savers..or foundation coolers..it breaks my heart to hear this..i know we can be alot better than we are..we just currently got together with firegrants help...and we will be appling again for the next afg and vfd grants..it is the only way we can make it..we are so far from being nfpa legal as it gets...but things will change..my wife and i spoke about this...she is also on the dept..and she got me out of my doom and gloom back on track..so....only way we can go is up....thanks Bob for the input..
well it is funny you say that...he just resigned when a went and talked to him about this...so guess what..time to put up or shut up....i didnt want to do it...just wanted to give him suggestion on what everyone felt or thought....his reply was he was in over his head..wich i gotta give it to him he did try.....so i am now the new chief..plus the dept also want me to be the training officer since i am always harping about training and the lack thereof...so...wish me luck folks here it goes..i will do my best with what i know and resources available...thanks for all your input guys..thank you.
Jason, I'm glad to hear you are willing to step up and make the changes needed for your community. I can remember when i joined my department and was the outsider and wanted the training to be better and the fight i had to make it happen. I started by planning a large training session once a month that was a couple hours long and while everyone was out training i was having my wife and her friends making supper for the guys back at the fire house within a couple months we went from the same 8 guys to 15 guys showing up and we have been lucky enough to gain 4 to 6 new members a year mainly because the see use out practicing and not just sitting around the firehouse having a bullshit session. I know we have a bigger department and budget bet remember it is not what you have it is how you utilize it and make the changes needed. I wish you luck because you have a hard long road ahead of you and if you need anything don't be afraid to ask.
Cant speak for anyone else but in November the department I am now with was under multiple criminal investigations and our County Fire Coordinator came in and fired most but not all the leadership and many firefighters. Then he transferred some pleople myself included from other county departments to this one. However the one thing that he did that made the BIGGEST difference was there were no "officers" for 2 months. There were 2 Senior Firefighters the old assistant chief, and a person he brought in. By not having a brand new (who does he think he is ) Chief and giving the firefighters a chance to know him and start to build that trust on the ground floor I can say that 5 months on we do have SOLID leadership because all of the officers in those 2 months humped hose, partnered on attack lines, did interior searchs, ran medicals, and worked MVA's not to mention all the other Glamours thing that go into firefighting.
That isnt to say it went perfect, and the person who is chief now wasnt sure he wanted it at the start, but those 2 months gave him a chance to realize it was worth the time, and hassle, for that department, and that town to have the fire coverage they deserve
i like what paul said, it is a hard thing to try sort out though, but paul is right , dont start any fires, i did that once and i was trying to do a good thing but it turned against me and i was the one that got burnt not them, maybe you and the other members could call a meeting with your chief and try sort things out that way
Good luck with that then
well so far so good no one has left after i shared with them my goal with the fire dept..they seemed very willing to help make the change with me..course when there is only 4 of us..it isnt hard to get them on your side...will kepp everyone posted on how it comes out
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