My department is considering subscribing to Are any of you using it in your department ? If so what are your experiences with it ?

Chaplain Crutchfield

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Hello Chaplain,
Please advise me more details on the, I would be interested.
Also are you call to do Memorial or Funeral services for you department or depts. in your area? do use use a general outline and adapt to it?
I get called approx 5-10 times a year, mostly for older retired Fighter Fighter that pass away,
If so lets share some information.
Chaplain Steve Riehl, Port Huron Twp,F.d.
Chaplain Robert, never heard of this before. What is the general idea of this site?
Chaplain Roberts, sorry. I went to the site and looked it over. Nope never seen anything like that before.
I dont see this being to safe. Your trying to use your cell phone driving down the road responding to an emergency. Is this correct or am i confused.
i agree with michael wood, seems to pose a safety issue if used while driving down the road. i looked at the site and it looks really neat, however at my department we all just have radios in our personal vehicles and check enroute via radio. not very technological and somewhat old school in this day and age but it works like a charm, i personally would rather be given an instant update of who is responding via radio than have to use a blackberry or try to respond from phone, thats just me
The system is very quick to use. usually you call it up, and if you hang up, it automatically puts you in as responding to your assigned station. otherwise it's just a matter of hitting one number and hanging up. I'm usually done with that well before I even reach my car.
What does the system cost?? And how relieable is it?
im ol-schooled,
ill stick to the radio
Does your phone have to be connected to the internet to do this or is it just a simple phone call to their dispatch center who than enters the info on the computer? This is an interesting concept and I am interested in more info now too.
Any idea on costs? Is it monthly service bill or annual packages?
we use it and you can also use from your landline phone as well. seems to work well for us but we'll see once we consolidate with the county

We use it on a regular basis for calls, meetings, trainings...etc. Cost is $800 year for a 1 year contract it goes up to like 3 years. The longer you sign up for the cheaper it gets per year. There is also a quarterly charge for the 1 800 number based on the number of call ins . Think we spent an additional $30 a year for the phone charge. All in all its not a bad idea and has worked well for us.
As far as the safety goes make the call before you get in the car. You can have it set up any number of ways but we have it defaulted to mark you as responding to the station, if you call and hang up it marks you going to the station. So far average call length has been 10 seconds or less and it posted the information to the monitor in the station before one of our guys made it 3 doors from his house to the station.
Side benefit for us this year has been the addition of a tax credit from the state. We put in a category for unable to make the call. When members use this they get marked in Firehouse report as an excused absence. This way if your at work the call doesnt get held against you for response rate that is one of the factors in getting the tax credit. You can also schedule yourself on or off duty and that will show on the monitor also.
Any other questions please email me and i'll answer as best I can. If you call them ask for Elizabeth Rusitto(?) she is vp of sales I believe and was always there with answers to whatever question we came up with during the demo and for the last year.
Thanks Chap. That was a really cool program.

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