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Find out if and when they are going to have you attend a Regional Recruit Academy where you can learn some of the basic requirments, this is where you will know if you have what it takes to do this. You sound like you are ready and eager to learn and that is a huge step but even if you go to a Recruit Academy they are still going to tell you to always check with your departments S.O.P. ( Standard Operating Procedures) Ask questions kiddo!! Just like everyone on here is telling you get with someone you feel comfortable with and have them mentor you. This job means nothing if you can't pass on what you have learned, so most people will be willing to help you as long as you want to learn... Let me know.
The best way to learn about your department is to read up on every thing. Start off with your weakest points and move forward from there. Learn your apparatus and have your engineer test you every shift until you get it right. He would be glad that you asked for help. Give classes every shift on policies or equipment to learn them and it also helps the guys refresh. Don't be told to do something because you should be getting told to stop and relax. Nobody likes a rookie that's not active doing something. Your always learning and you'll never learn enough in this service. The older firefighters are there for you and to help you learn. Take advantage of all the wisdom that surrounds you and stop being stubborn. Your only hurting yourself and your crew.
Practice practice practice, just like everything else you do, and it will come naturally without thinking
If you wanna fit in, spend some evenings or mornings at the house. Being a Probie, you want to learn from their stories and experiences. Ask one of the veteran members if they will look over the tools in the compartments with you. What your roll is on a fire or EMS scene. And talk to the Chief! The Chiefs are your greatest allies or your worst foe. Show them that you really wanna learn, not just the current apparatus, but the history of the department as well. And the biggest thing you can do is volunteer for the jobs no one wants. Trust me this will get you in the good graces of senior members. And show your enthusiasm for what your doing. When the next pribies come in, most of the slack is taken off of you!
this is true i still do jobs no one wants like crawling in the ceiling to put in wires to open the new bay doors no one else would come to the station to do it doing stuff like that works when you piss off your chief
Don't tell or make up stories. Don't try to be something you're not. Listen and learn(as mentioned many times). Just be yourself. If you are being yourself, others will know better how to take you, and therefore, get along with you better. Also mentioned a few times....learn your apparatus. Learn the name and place of each tool you have. And I'm not talking about the lawn mower. You should have been given a book with the R&R in it. Learn it from cover to cover. It will tell you about how your dept. operates.
Just be yourself and learn as much as you can.
Oh, and one more thing...Don't go rescuing people without proper training and confirmation from your OIC. We don't want to see our own getting hurt.
And did I mention, don't tell or make up stories?
Good luck.
I have to agree with this one. I wouldn't say I've latched on to someone, but there's one or two fire fighters in my station that seem to really have it together. It's easy to figure out who these guys are in your station. For example, in training exercises they're the ones that aren't getting corrected by officers and on scene they are professional and keep a level head. I try to "shadow" these guys as much as possible. They still remember what it's like to be in your/our position so when they correct or teach you something it's a little easier to take. You don't have to be best friends with them, just pay attention.
he told me that he proud but i should have waited for the otheres

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