A friend of mine and me are gonna be help his church in a few weeks have a firefighter school like thing because thier soccer coach back out on them and i was wondering if you guys had any ideas of what we can do with the kids. we are planing on hooking up to a hydrant and letting them flow some water but what else

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Maybe hook up a few 1 inch lines if you have any and let them spray that, You could also teach them how to tie some knots (simple ones of course). and Maybe teach them how to use a fire extinguisher, the water can would be the best bet for safety reasons.
We made some 2-foot high plywood "flames" with square stands and painted them orange. When the kids spray water they "knock down" the flames. (I'd rather not be the guy setting them back up.)
Of course they'll want to try on the gear and have their photo taken.
Have them practice crawling low under the smoke and stop, drop and roll.
Then have them draw an EDITH plan of their house.
Have fun!
Do a bucket brigade where they fill a bucket , run down and pour it into a bigger tank. First to fill wins. Also , let them try on turn outs and time them . Set up some cans on a table and using low pressure hose, first to spray them off the table wins. Set up a small obstacle course and have them compete in the turn outs . Very important to make it safe . Hope this helps . God Bless and Be Safe .
Well as the other said is very good ideas also try to have them make some scenarios were there is fire and how they would put it out and what they would use to do it.Could also teach then to roll houses and pull houses maybe?Also tech them what happens when bad people start fires.We have a fire programs for teenagers who start fires to teach them why they could maybe showing them now why not to start them as well.Or even set up a little maze for them to run through like we do for confined space training if u have the time to.Good luck be safe and have fun.
We made some 2-foot high plywood "flames" with square stands and painted them orange. When the kids spray water they "knock down" the flames.
I like that idea! :-) It's not as silly as it sounds for recruits either- setting them in different locations (distances, etc) to practice aiming, patterns, pressure, etc
we are planing on hooking up to a hydrant and letting them flow some water but what else
Give 'em a charged 64mm hose- that'll keep them occupied for a while.... ;-)
I am involved with a lot of the public education with our department. I find that the kids really enjoy the hands on stuff, and flowing water is a great idea. At my department we have a small prop that we made out of wood. The prop looks like the front of a house and we have wood cut outs that look like fire, we put the wood cut outs in the windows and the kids get to dress up in turn out gear and use the hose line to spray the fire. Once they have knocked out all the fire they have completed the excercise. This is a big hit with all the kids that we put through it. As for the turn out gear we just took a coat and pair of pants that were old and no longer used, we took out the liners and had them cut down shorter so that they wouldn't be too big. I'm sure though that whatever you do decide to do the kids will have great fun with it and so will you.
Thanks for all the help guys. Those are some awsome ideas
We set up a 'What to do in a fire' scenario and the do's and don'ts in the home, home hazards etc. We have a trailer and perform a real smoke (smoke machine-rental) scenario. Drop to the floor, feel the door etc. How to call 911. How to escape etc...You'd be surprised how many have no clue (incl. parents) know what to do in a fire or emergency.
In fact we used them for an indoor hose handling/search training one day. We set them in a corner with strobes illuminating them and filled the room with artificial smoke. What the heck. Looked pretty good.
This is something that we do here with the kids; we team em up in to teams of five. Then all of the kids put on structure FF gloves. You then put them in a line and give the first one an opened pack of gum. They have to pull out just one stick and open it and chew. Once the first one has the gum out, opened, and chewing it they pass the pack to the next person and they have to do the same. The first team that has all of their gum opened and chewing it is the winner. It is a fun game to play and they get to experience diminished dexterity. It is a fun one and cheap and easy to do.
let em blow the sirens..Thats always funn.

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