Has anyone practiced with or has a training program for Hybrid cars and trucks. We are trying to get info to do a training class but finding that just about every hybrid out there seems to be different.

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Bill, Send me your email address and I'll send you some powerpoints I have gotten on Hybrid vehicles. And yes they all are alittle different. dubree.douglas@rigov.org

Call the local dealership and ask for the shop foreman. Tell him who you are and where yoru from. All the manufacturers have a hybrid emergency responder class they offer through the local dealers and they brought out brand new cars to the station for us to view the hazards and how to handle the utility systems.


Hybrid Engine...

First off, there was a short but useful dialog on a Fire Engineering post that discussed Hybrid cars.


One of the interesting points about Hybrid cars is the sound factor as illustrated in this article...

As the car crept up to them, the students didn’t react. It wasn’t until it was about to run them over that they even knew it was there. And that was only because it hit their white canes.

The hybrid car’s electric motor had kicked in. And the students, all of whom are blind, couldn’t hear it. Read more...

Another good link to get you and others started is to go online to the Hybrid Car site. There are examples for different models and links for additional information.


Just like FETC said, We got a hold of all our local dealers and they all came together to throw use a weekend long class, we had firefighters from all over the state of Michigan. It was an awesome class.
i have alot of material on hybrid cars. I can email it to you if you would like.- john
Any info that I can get would be great. Thanks
I used to drive one of the things when I had my business. I agree on the silence thing, those things can sneak right up on you, I was seriously considering putting a bicycle bell on it or some goofy engine-sound thing like kids put on their bikes (or at least used to when I was a kid).
I went to one of Ron Moore's seminars in Rochester, MN. He is very knowledgable about these cars. I myself and others from my department that attended learned a great deal from him. I highly suggest to try to make it to one of his seminars, you will not be let down. Also they gave out the presentation on a CD so that we can bring it to our station and use the information for training anytime we would like. I feel that Ron is the leading man on this issue.
Hey Doug! I've been looking for Hybrid powerpoints and no luck so far. I am scheduled to do a class next month at our fire dept. and could use some help. If you have anything I can use e-mail it to me- bfr25lt@aol.com Thanks Brother
Without a doubt Ron is the man for hybrids!

I got a CD off him quite a few years ago loaded with stuff, including some (now out of date) powerpoints, manuals, etc.

Dare I say, go and looks at that other website, Firehouse....
Any info you can send I'll also take on the Hybrid Vehicles. You can email them to shoaf242@comcast.net. In advance thank you.
I too would be interested in any information you are willing to share. living in Western Kansas many people think that a car is a car and nothing is different. Well we finally got them convinced to wear full ppe and that gas shocks are dangerous. Now I have to start over and try to convince them that Hybrids have their own unique hazards as well. My email is liliggyracin@ruraltel.net

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