Shaun Hansen
  • 45, Male
  • Spring Grove,Minnesota
  • United States
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  • Corey Mathison
  • Theresa A Pereira
  • matt hoscheit
  • bret cunningham
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Shaun Hansen's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Spring Grove, MN
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
Completed NFPA 1001 FF1 and FF2
University of Extrication Vehicle Rescue Update
Advanced Vehicle Stabilization
Anhydrous Amonia
Grain Bin Rescue
Minnesota FF1 State Certified
Minnesota FF2 State Certified
Confined Space Awareness
HazMat Awareness Certified
HazMat Operations Certified
I'm the training officer, Now what?
Top 10 fire scene mistakes, and how to avoid them
HazMat Operations
First Responder
Evacuation Coordinator
Emergency Response Planning
Container Inspections
Hospital Based Decontamination
Inspection and Testing of Fire Protection Systems
Radiation Safety Awareness
Emergency Response Coordinator
Fire Instructor
Machinery Rescue Awareness
S-190, S-130, L-180, I-100
Leadership 1- Strategies for Company Success(NFA)
Day Job:
Volunteer Fire Fighter
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I became a member for the sense of reward you feel when you take an apparent bad situation and make it better, by saving someones life in an auto extracation or by saving someones house or belongings in a structure fire. Or simply just educating others so bad things do not happen to them. Its not about feeling like a hero, it about helping others when they are in need and need it most, and our moral obligation to assist.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It is a feeling of accomplishment. Being able to be there when other need you most.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
scene safety/ accountability
need of more practical training
use if the Incident Management system for all calls

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Shaun Hansen's Blog

What is a Fireman?

Posted on August 12, 2009 at 12:18am 10 Comments

He's the guy next door.

He's the man's man with the sharp memory

of a little boy who never got over the

excitement of engines and sirens and smoke and danger.

He's a guy like you and me with warts

and worries and unfulfilled dreams.

Yet he stands taller then most of us.

He's a fireman.

He puts it all on the line when the bell rings.

A fireman is at once the most fortunate

and the least fortunate of men.

He's a… Continue

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At 8:34pm on August 5, 2010, Corey Mathison said…
facebook is cool, you get to see what everybody is up to, i usually dont write much on there, just read what other people have to say, and delete all the stupid games they play or that is all you will see
At 8:28pm on August 5, 2010, Corey Mathison said…
yea it will be nice not having to go there anymore, but a lot of good firegods in the class, all have to keep in touch
At 1:44am on May 26, 2010, Todd Lemke said…
No prob I had a blast. Ill be back next year.
At 9:37am on March 26, 2010, Todd Lemke said…
Sounds good!
At 10:06pm on March 25, 2010, Pete said…
Loved the SCBA basketball video! We should incorporate that. If we did it at the courts by the pool we could even wear our boots! (How did the car fire go today??)
At 9:00pm on December 17, 2009, Russ said…
damn good topic brother!!!! keep your chin up
At 11:04am on November 17, 2009, bret cunningham said…
Your right
At 7:21pm on October 6, 2009, Chris Haefner said…
Shaun, you left me a message months ago and I am just checking it now. We havent had hardly any calls this summer which is good. As far as my wild land certs.... well it never hurts to have another gold star on a resume for a career dept. Take care buddy
At 11:36pm on August 11, 2009, Todd Lemke said…
Thanks. Just started. Will have to round up some good pics.
At 4:16pm on April 12, 2009, kris said…
yeah, weve been steady about 2 calls aday mostly ems, we had a structure fire recently was my first i could go in because of a injury and ive not taken my firefighter 1 exam yet so im not certified plus im still a probie... so i collected tags and watched basicly check on people. and last few days have had some seriously nasty brush fires. had 1 yesterday with 6 depts sbfd,hornick,bronson,lawton,movile,oto,sloan,salix. were all basicly at one call if i remeber correctly.

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