I'm 43 yrs old, overweight and out of shape. The fire dept. that I am an exploer post associate adviser for has asked me to join. They say I would be a great addision to the dept. With my 21 yrs as a truck driver with tanker endorsment I would be the ideal person for a tanker driver. It's something I have always wanted, but I'm not sure  what to do considering my age and shape.

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You have to be able to rescue your fellow firefighters and be ready for most anything. 43, overweight and out of shape sure isnt a great way to start. You have to ask yourself would you be a assett or liability. I am sure your a great person, but until you get your phsycial shape up to par I would be hesitant. Actually 43 isn't what would consern me, it was your statement your out of shape.

Have a good day.
Talking about old age some of (me, inparticular I'm 46 yoa) old folks might be able to do more, than a 20 something. It's all in knowing the easy way or the let's hurry up and get it done ten minutes ago mindset. . Maybe this can been a new defination for them that say you can't hang it with them the 18-25 year olds. My 18 yoa Son just joined in Dec '09, the Dept. I helped start in 1981 when I was 17 yoa. So as there is a well known saying in our neck of the woods, 'The man with experience, is never at the mercies of a man with an arguement. Besides who is going to teach them the tricks of looking at the smoke, or looking at souroundings to get the feel of what danger lies in front of them.
Best thing would be to talk to your doctor or check to see if the county or the dept offers a stress test and physical exam before you become a member to see what you would have to do to make it as a member.
Maybe you will have to work at it to make the standards. If you are a truck driver I know you have to have DOT exams to have a CDL.
Go for it, especially if it is something u want to do or else you may regret it someday
Well how young does your heart feel? Sounds like you already have the heart, just need to get it involved. Better off TRYING this than ever regretting never trying. I am a 60 yr old 18 yr vet of our dept and just climbed a 110 ft aerial with some young guys at our State Fire College to be certified as our aerial driver/operator. If the situation comes about that your fellow FF needs saved you and your fellow FFs will save him. At least you are willing to join thats more than you can say in most areas. Be safe
hey pops { lol } you have to do it, i myself have been in ems 25yrs it is my life, left the big city moved to rural america needed to my keep certs up no privates out here in the woods, so i joined the volly dept i turn 49 this yr, i too drive semi. so you are as old as you feel, and if you have to help on ff down that 15mins of epi rush will help you do what you have to do. take care brother
You sound like you would make a great tender driver. Typically tender drivers aren't members of RIT and are not dragging their fellow firefighters out of burning structures. As far as being out of shape that is something you should work on regardless of future as a firefighter. I am 50 and plan on spending at least 20 more years on the department.
I think you should do it Uncle Ed. It would be great for you, since this something you have wanted to do forever. haha Plus if you do this, you won't regret NOT doing it anymore. You know me, I'm pretty out of shape myself and I'm only 16. (thats pretty bad.) But if you believe you can do this, there nothing that can stop you!! :D

I have faith in ya. :)
Thank you to all who have repled, I am starting a workout progam, and I have the support of my Wife. That is huge for me. She says she will be worried but it something I'v always wanted so I should do it. Any points on a good cardio workout?
belief vs. overweight, out of shape. Really?
And you're 16 and out of shape? Really?

Youse vollies crack me up.
not sure what the department rules are up there, but im pretty sure to get into HFD you have to be 35 or younger, but i mean go for it, if you can
Hey Ed I agree with most of the feedback you have already recieved, it has more to do with fitness. As to a good cardio workout, it really all depends on how out of shape you really are. 8 years ago I made some changes in my life and dropped a large amount of weight. If you are terribly out of shape, start slow but DO NOT get discouraged! When I started the first time after I walked 1 lap of a quarter mile park walkway I was red in the face covered in sweat and a bystander came up and asked me if I needed medical attention. Was I embaressed, no I was way beyond that. The key to my success was that I was back at the same park the next day and the day after. Soon I was able to walk a half mile at a time, after several months I was walking several miles in the morning and if you can believe it starting to run in the evening.

If this is something you are commited to I wish you the best of luck! The fact that your wife is supporting you, is a giant advantage. One other pointer do your best to cut out the sodas, you would be surprised how much sugar, and calories are hiding in our drinks.

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