I am constantly looking for new and interesting training classes. I look for online courses and ones that are held in a classroom. We can never have enough training, but that is my opinion. Let me know what you think.....

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I would have to agree with you. You can NEVER get enough training.
i dont care what people think no one will ever have enough training
"I would rather go into a burning building with someone who is constantly training rather than someone that thinks they know it all."

One of my favorite quotes, told to me by my fireman adviser when I was in the Junior Fire Service after hearing a snotty stuck up junior say he already knew how to do what we were training on because his "Daddy" was in the fire dept for 25 years and was chief...Wrong thing to say!! LOL We all learned from that Juniors tough lesson that day and I have been preaching it ever since...train hard, train often, refresh your training whenever you can and never stop learning.
i agree that you can never have enough training. "if you dont train you get slack, if you get slack you get slopy, and if you get slopy then people die."
I guess it comes down to this:

Train like your life depends on it...IT DOES!
You always need training. Things change everyday with house structures, cars, etc. In my opinion, you can never get enought training.
I'm with ya dear!!! I stress this everyday. I am always training, I just can't get enough info. plus things are always changing!!! You keep that opinion its not a bad one, and don't stop training!!!!!
Stay with the Basics. You can not work with advanced tactics if you can't quickly get a line in position or crawl fast.
Here is my opinion.... If you think you know it all it is time to retire or get out.

The world is constantly changing.... therefore training will never be 100% complete. The other factor that most progessive departments are now struggling with is, trying to stay up with the new stuff and the basics suffer.
You can never have enough training. Things change everyday.
I look for online courses and ones that are held in a classroom.

What you are referring to is Education. Training is the practical application of education. You can sit in classrooms all day long and become 'educated' but until you've put what you learn to work it literally is just academic.

Don't get me wrong, continuing education is important and valuable and it increases both awareness and critical thinking skills but, taking a class and then moving on does little in terms of increasing your skill set. Only hands on training can do that.

Moreover, taking online classes, while they do have practical applications, are much less valuable than sitting in a classroom -or in the field- doing hands-on work with the give-and-take of both the instructor and classmates.

So my answer to your question is NO, you can never have enough training.
Yes, you can never have enough training. However, training for the sake of having more certs and nice things to put on your wall or resume is nausious "Bleather" (BS). What really counts or matters is what you will use and benifit your agency with. Jack, you hit it hard an right on the nail head!

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