In some departments, there are different organizational structures. A small company can have a lot of officers, and there's the large departments that have what seems to be an insufficient amount of officers due to the call volume and other stuff. How many officers does your firehouse / EMS company have (like chief-grade officers, lieutenants, safety officers, etc.)?

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My department has 10 officers... Chief, and three assistants, three captains, two lieutenants, and a safety officer
My dept is in the middle of the pack, we run about 220 to 230 calls a yr.
we have a Chief, 1st Assist Chief, 2nd Assist Chief, Capt., 1st LT., 2nd LT, Med Officer, Assist Med Officer and a FP Capt.
My department has 9 officers for 38 firefighters. 1 chief,1 deputy chief, 3 captains, 1 lieutenant, and 2 safety lieutenants. It all kinda works out good on any given fire we get at least 1 chief usually 2 captains and 10 or so firefighters, so it all kinda evens out.
in my paid dept, we have 1 chief, 1 asst chief, 3 deputy chiefs, 12 district chief, 43 captains, bunch of D/O's and FF, we have 12 stations w/ 3 shifts, and severl divisons.

in my vol. dept we have 1 chief, 1 asst chief, 1 deputy chief, 2 district chiefs, 2 capt, 2 loo's.
In my department we have the Chief, Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief, Captain, 1st Lt., 2nd Lt. The Rescue Squad has a Assistant Chief of Rescue, Captain, 1st Lt., 2nd Lt. The Chief is in charge of the squad also. When the squad was first formed they were not part of the fire department till later.
Our officers are as follows:

Assistant Chief
1st LT.
2nd LT.
Fire Police Captain
Thats it.
we have three officers, the chief, ass chief, and a captian jack , ha ha , but we are a small dept. and it works great
Chief,ass. chief,fire capt.,rescue capt.,fire lt.,rescue lt.,fire sgt.,rescue sgt.,safety officer
With a roster of 60 (part time and volunteer) we have 1 chief, 3 bat. chiefs, 3 captains, and 6 lieut. 1 Bat Chief and 1 liet are out for god knows how long, 1 Bat Chief rarely shows up, 1 liet is Part Time so is only around while on duty, and one capt. is out of town for work a lot so we get at best 1 chief, 1 batt chief, 1 or 2 captains, and a lieut or two on a good working incident. I guess it is a good thing most of the firefighters can roll with it and get the job done.
We have 1 Chief, 2 Assistant Chiefs, 3 Captains and 1 Lieutenants. 42 personnel.
My department has 11 officers.
1- chief
1-Asst. chief
1- training chief
3- captains- 2 fire, 1 ems
5- LT's- 2 fire, 2 EMS, 1 water rescue
my department currently has 7 fire line officers 2 engineers and 2 ambulance. they are Chief, Deputy Chief, Assistant Chief, Rescue Capt, Truck Captain, Engine Captain, and Marine Captain for fire line officers, then Chief Engineer and Assistant Enineer, then Ambulance Captain and Ambulance lieutant. We have 2 engines a tanker a brush truck a rescue pumper a 77 ft quint an ambulance a 22 ft twin engine Boston Whaler 12 ft aluminum john boat and a 6 ft inflatable zodiac. we handle approx 150 fire calls roughly 30 marine responses and approx 350 ambulance runs a year

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